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Everything posted by Spaczer

  1. Ok, so. I'll preface all of this by saying I have absolutely no idea how this game is coded, BUT, I've kinda taken that into account with using bricks where a needle would do better.. Goal: Put secondary powers, and possibly primary powers into respec screeen without losing the foorls. Tl/Dr version: Clone character(because safety) -> capture level -> splice in entire character creation menu -> auto skip tutorial mission -> auto open respec -> respec as normal Coding Map: User types /respec [ -> backup version of character stored -> Character level, origin, playstyle, archtype, primary power, body size, costume, power color, name, slotted powers are captured -> Character is "deleted" -> Player is "returned" to character selection screen] ->Creation menu auto opens [-> Menu auto chooses player's origin, playstyle, archtype, and primary powers and locks them -> Player chooses secondary -> Menu auto fills body size, costume, power colors, name, and skips tutorial mission] -> Character's slotted powers are placed in new character -> Player is auto leveled to captured level -> Player is forced into respec menu -> Respec plays out as normal with new secondary listed -> If at any point Player changes mind and cancels respec, then delete new version, restore backup version In theory, this should play out as if the character is brand new and some dev just wanted to jump to a certain level with specific slot items..I juuuust found the source code about half way through writing this so...maybe that'll change my suggestion but...also I'm lazy and idk if I'll take the time to try again lol New code needed to write is in brackets, everything else should just be asking the game to do the things with some good old fashioned copy/paste
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