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  1. Hey all just wanted to let you know i found the issue. Seems I had a corrupt installation of windows 10 v1903 and wasn’t able to open other apps like discord and steam. I wiped my bootdrive, did a clean install of win 10 and everything started working again. I appreciate the help from everyone! thank you
  2. Not a silly question 🙂 but yes, I run it at administrator. I will try what the guys above said and put in a different folder. If worse comes to worse, I’ll reformat the boot drive and put v1809 on it.
  3. I also stated the game is installed on a separate SSD. Hint my BOOT SSD and Game SSD
  4. It’s been like that since day one when score project came out. I’ve never had the issue before. also it’s not the main documents file. It’s in a second SSD used for gaming I just call it documents
  5. Hello Cipher! i have all my coh files stored on my game SSD under the documents folder. I’ll send an updated picture of the file path when I get back from work.
  6. I searched around on the forms and it seems there are others with this issue but i cant find a solution. on Tuesday 7/23/19 my SSD with my OS died. I upgraded to a new SSD with Windows 10 v1903 and reinstalled Tequila. When trying to open the game it says loading and then the game never opens. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Thank you in adavnce
  7. I have noticed with my Superior Avalanche: Chance for Knockdown; I am getting tons of knockback and almost none knockdown. Is the IO build ot be this way and should be chance for knockback? Or could this possibly be a bug within the IO that the knockback chance is much higher?
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