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Energy Prime

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Everything posted by Energy Prime

  1. Well,. multiple builds are always welcome .. though, in my case, force field ....damage is "mandatory".. more spammers defenders like electric, + enhance buffs are mandartory ...and so on
  2. Defenders can have a quite helpfull Damage! And help ( and a lot ) is the main thing here. 1. Of course there is no sense in comparing dmg with a buffed blaster or vs a blaster attacking a debuffed target... However ( in my case ), a Force Field defender. 1. I'm (still) stacking a TONS of global recharge speed + Force Bomb (w/+100 recharge Force feedback) .. I'm getting Thunderous Blaster each 25 seconds and I'm not even close to limit. 2. Defender have stronger Aim, Power build up (also spamming a thousands) 3. The (New) -Res debuff is quite good for him and all party Dmg. 4. Party becomes near immortal with 3 slots of IO only (for the two 'shields others' ) so Why more ? Go for damage lad! 5. Defender are pretty much hard to hit so .... Use REDs at will ..you will not need purples like blasters. (though will still need anti-stuns/CC and care about resistences) 6. Defenders are 16 Targets Aoes .. Just do the Math, if you are surrounded your total damage will be way more than the 10 or 6 targets from other ATs.
  3. Well, This is an old Topic, But Your proposition can be an execelent Choice for Defender though. Defender has the greater -end proc. The given IO Set, does enhance endurance modification plus damage. In other words You survivability will a bit interesting but very quickly you will drain all endurance from mobs with a good survivability from your primary power + end drain + random heal procs + you will still help on damage since defender damage is not the main focus either way.
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