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  1. Ty so much, thats perfect.
  2. Its great to have you back. Could you build me a DB/WP Stalker with SJ please. thanks for in advance and ty for what you do for the community.
  3. Can i please request a Dark Melee / Electric armour Brute with SJ pls 🙂 and if you have time a Energy / Electric Brute p.s im english so armour has a u in it 😄
  4. Ty so much, you are the GOAT
  5. These are all amazing, can i Have a Ice/Ice Blaster using Combat Jumping & SJ please. Could you include all primaries apart from Frost Breath too. Also can i have KB protection in Combat Jumping slot (dont want to waste a power on Acrobatics. Can you make it if possible for varied content as well 🙂 Thanks
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