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Lunar Lapin

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Everything posted by Lunar Lapin

  1. I am playing a dominator and have taken the power Link Minds from the Psionic Mastery Epic Power Pool. Link Minds can only be sloted with Defense and ToHit enhancements, but also accepts Defense and ToHit IO sets. But if I slot a Defense / Endurance Reduction enhancement from a Defense Set such as Luck of the Gambler, the Endurance reduction modifier applies to the power. This application only shows in the power's detailed info, and not in the enhancement percentages shown in the popup when hovering mouse over power. (as can be seen in attached screenshot) However, If I were to slot a Hamidon Origin Cytoskeleton Exposure (End/ToHit/Def) into the same power, only the ToHit and Defense modifiers apply and the power's endurance cost is not reduced. Is this the intended behavior, or is something off here?
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