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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. Error in patch notes, this change intentionally did not touch the dominator version of Thunder Strike. That power is likely to get a different treatment at some point in the future. Patch notes have been corrected.
  2. This is how KB2KD have worked since live. Every power that could repeatedly apply Knockback (to create area of denial fields) that accepted KB2KD were set to 110% chance and the KB2KD enhancements would lower this to 10%.
  3. Not a bug. May still change in the future but we are being extremely careful with this power being made available in epic pools.
  4. The damage should not be auto hit (even with a low chance), the Accuracy slotting should help with that but seems the check is currently missing. Next patch should fix that.
  5. Its not the same pet, its comparably weaker in exchange of being able to fly, and does not even have legs. It technically always "fly".
  6. Old people step forth! WTB Bronze Breastplate PST! The sleeper has awakened! (OK enough OOT, lets get back to the patch notes)
  7. Bugs with sleep and liquid nitrogen should had been addressed in today's build.
  8. Clarification: a few builds ago Liquid Nitrogen was changed to no longer suppress its knockdown or damage if the target is asleep. It was documented in the patch notes when it was changed but seems to there is still an erroneous note in the power info about it requiring the target to be awake. That's a bug that will be corrected in a future build. Sleep will not stop Liquid Nitrogen damage from triggering on enemies, and has not for a few builds.
  9. Hello everyone, thank you all for the feedback provided so far. We understand this set wont make everyone happy, either performance wise or conceptually. No set will ever be able to fulfill that. This is not the first, nor will be the last, new control set we add, so there will be future opportunities to fulfill different themes. As was noted at some point by other devs, we intentionally don't post about the "vision" of sets because we want to see the set get on players hands and them go wild without pre-established expectations. Throughout the testing cycle we have seen some of you make this set work very well, and others have a harder time with it. Some of it has been addressed, some of it can't be addressed at this time due to current limitations that we hope will improve in future updates. Other things are simply not compatible with some of your play styles. For the most part, we try to make every new set play somewhat differently, and require different approaches to maximize their potential. This is true with most sets, but it's especially so with control sets where the combat loop is a lot more reactive than it is with standard damage focused sets. Honestly, if every set we introduce can be easily approached using the same tactics as any other set, then we feel that is a big failure. We do have some internal concerns with the set ourselves, I cant talk much about what we see in the future for it, but things like Controller Containment are things that have not escaped us. That is more of an AT design issue than a set one, and not something we will be able to tackle this page. We are on a release candidate now, but we are not done. We still need to find some bugs, and some additional quality of life features may still make it into the live build. Just please, cope with us, this is a gigantic jenga tower of a game, and modifying any one brick can make the whole tower collapse, so we just cant do everything at once. Do please continue reporting any issues you have with the set, but we ask you remain polite in doing so. - Captain Powerhouse
  10. Pulse rate double is redundant, the blue notes are things that changed from last patch, the white ones things that changed from live. KD chance increased from last patch but lower from live.
  11. As far as I can see, Trip mines does not inherit buffs. The Dominator Assault version does but that one is setup extremely differently and with way lower base damage. I doubt Detonator inherit pets but cant hunt that one down ATM to verify.
  12. I considered removing those accepted enhancements, but that would mean anyone using it for set bonuses would likely lose the set bonuses until they respeced and placed them somewhere else.
  13. The damage done by the Detonator no longer uses the target's modifiers, but it still uses their level, so a T1 pet will inflict lower damage and have lower accuracy. It also depends exclusively on the enhancements set on pet instead of those set on the Detonator power. Not sure why that power was ever set to accept enhancements given how it works.
  14. 2/7 fixes and changes: Fixed a bug where Controller version of Smoke Grenade was not usable Fixed a bug with the accuracy check and chance in Tear Gas Removed Liquid Nitrogen's conditional immobilize
  15. Post-patch fix, no new patch note post but here are the changes. 2/7 fixes and changes: Fixed a bug where Controller version of Smoke Grenade was not usable Fixed a bug with the accuracy check and chance in Tear Gas Removed Liquid Nitrogen's conditional immobilize
  16. Bile Spray is an acid attack. We specifically mean soaked in water.
  17. Sound was adjusted, should be in the patch notes. Last patch's sound was clipping.
  18. Also sort of working as intended, unless we somehow made Levitate work on corpses.
  19. Actions that can wake up sleeping target are heals, damage, knockback and repel, so this is WAI.
  20. The confuse aspect is being applied by the same power that applies the -tohit. There are two powers in the pet, one that does the -tohit/confuse and one that does -perception. The one that does -perception should not report hit rolls because its auto-hit.
  21. This bug has been hunt down and squashed. Should be fixed in the next build.
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