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Cold Hard Cash

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  1. Why Nature Affinity may I ask?
  2. Hi all I'm looking for a strong PVP Corr set. Can anyone tell me what the meta is atm? Or if there is one? 1v1, Zone pvp, Anything would be helpful.
  3. Awesomeness thx everyone!
  4. What is the most fun yet most damaging combo sets?
  5. I guess I should have asked before I leveled to 50...but is Dark/dark/anything good anymore compared to all the other specs? Should I reroll before I invest?
  6. Both builds look really fun!
  7. Sweet thanks this will help
  8. Hi all just got back to CoH again. Was working on this Dark/Dark dom and got her to lvl 43. I havent made a mids build yet but im about to and figured to ask in here for some Builds I could use as a guide? Alot of fun skills to use.
  9. Yea I dont use the combo DB system anymore. Skipped nimble but took PS just cause I had to take one. I now do BF, Sweep, then I use either Moonbeam or Cuts depending on the mob. Feel like my dps is way better not using the system. And after testing ablating vs Cuts my single target is still better with cuts. And with 153 recharge it blends in perfect with BF and sweep.
  10. Does anyone ever use this in their DB builds? Im using it now for the first time and it seems like great dps aoe or single target. Animation is cool but the time sucks tho so I think ablating strike is better? Idk seems very close
  11. Sweet I just checked it out. So I will start investing in my first PVP toon since live! thank you
  12. Hi everyone just wanted to know how a DB/Rad would be in pvp? Is it worth building?
  13. From what I understood Degen or Daimag was the Go-to back in live and just when the game came back a few years ago. Has anything changed? Does it really matter which I choose anymore? I chose Degen to kill Elite Bosses/AVs regens to practially nothing. But Diamag was all purpose good against all mobs. Im not really sure which to choose as a DB/Rad scrap but I was thinking of just going different for fun.
  14. Well shizzit Im running a DB/Rad and its not on your list here. I guess its not as good as these others you mentioned? Im finding Radiation Therapy/Ground Zero decent filled with Proc enhancements combined together but Im having to hit both skills to make it worth it. Thats ALOT of casting animation sadly.
  15. Ahhh ic ic so the ability proc IS designed to get roughly 3 attacks in. Thank you all for the responses!
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