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  1. I don't think, that the game needs a speed up by small recharge increase and nerf hasten a bit. Thats like: nerf AIM a bit and increase the basic accuracy because everybody skills AIM (if he have it in their power set). Thats not good for the game. You have to be spoilt for choice! Quality instead of quantity. Be aware of the 24 powers you can choose and choose it wisely for your gameplay. Thats it. I know you want it to slot other powers and choose other powers to make the game and your choices more easier, but this will not help the game. There are still so many things implemented to make the gaming easier, but... sorry for the hard words: this is the wrong way.
  2. All racks/container together (salvage, inspiration and enhancements) are limited to 18 (or 20). That means if you have 18 salvage racks, you cannot have an enhancement or inspiration container. Therfore I also would prefer to increase the amount of the racks/container to min. 50 and the amount of salvage/enhancement/inspiration per rack/container to 250 or 500. Everybody in our SG has their own enhancement container to collect their sets or something else. Therfore we have only 2 salvage racks and 1 inspration container. And each container is full. I know that the wentworth could be slightly influenced in this, but that the limits are really to low. Please let this happen. Thanks.
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