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About Dollmistress

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. This is what I get for posting after playing for eight hours. I meant Shockwave, not Focus. Thanks for the correction 😄
  2. In the old days, when Villain Epic archetypes first went live I got a Night widow from 1-50 in about 20 hours while continuously PUG teaming with others who were also racing to reach max level with their shiny new toys. We literally didn't stop, it was madness. About a year later some people made very strange AE farms that had the effect of provding one entire level of xp for each EB defeated or object destroyed. My memory is a bit hazy but I think the key was those Nemesis drill vehicles. Something like that. I only experienced that farm once but I remember it levelled a random alt of mine from 1-50 in about 45 minutes. Never experienced anything close to that before or since.
  3. Never occured to me to do this back in the old days: - Stalker - Claws - Shockwave - Slot with the SBB Universal Damage set - Include the KB = KD IO The Overhwleming Force KD IO is a bit of an enigma to me. It seems to improve Shockwave quite a lot, giving it not only a bit more range/breadth but also creating hilarious effects where farther enemies are hit MUCH later than near ones. Without the KD conversion the power is already funny enough, flinging entire mobs away in all directions. But after not wanting to annoy melee teammates quite as much I went for the KD conversion and the results were much better than I could ever have expected. The KD IO does include a warning that the effect has some additional ('dramatic') aspects, I just didn't expect them to be so useful. Now if only Homecoming would reinstate the old version of Eviscerate, where it featured an extremely tight TAoE cone that offered the power a LOT of extra depth and tactical utility for experienced Claws users. Managing to hit three enemies at once with Eviscerate used to be the most satisfying feature of the Claws set, I'm glad I've now found an alternate source of amusement with Focus + the SBB KD IO. 🙂
  4. Thank you for playing them all and providing useful feedback! 😄
  5. *Appears from a dark ally* Psst! Hey, you there! There is actually one thing you can do... 1) Create a story arc where the final mission has a success and fail condition, plus differing contact messages for each outcome 2) Within the 'success' message, tell the player the registration number of the story arc for proceeding on the success branch of the story 3) Within the 'fail' message, tell the player the arc registration number that continues the fail branch For multiple branches, maybe just add global alts to give you more story arcs to publish. If you make each AE story quite long, it will take the player a while to discover all the arcs you've created, representing the branching paths. 🙂 For bonus points, make the fail conditions in the branching missions/arcs a matter of player choice, empowering them so it feels more like they can choose between X vs Y instead of succeed vs fail. e.g. "Escort the hero to the exit, OR deliberately walk them into a mob of enemies and gett them killed, just like your contact or a different NPC suggested earlier..."
  6. I made three single-mission arcs for testing and fun 🙂 32989 - Aliens 33018 - Ghostbusters 33069 - Frozen (Technically the second one's a blend of the cartoon and movie).
  7. Thanks, I'll try that 🙂
  8. I drove myself a bit mad earlier today trying to find a certain mission map. I'm primarily looking for the Winter forest map from the baby new year mission, or failing that any map at all that is winter/snow themed will do. I can't find anything that works so far - are there any hidden snowy outdoor maps buried amongst the standard sets?
  9. How does someone get the Pocket D teleporter and mission teleporter badges/powers now? :)
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