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Man, I can't believe you guys brought this back.  Even getting a few moments to play makes me feel whole again.


CoX was my first major MMO I played as a young teen and I fell in love.  Being a huge fan of super heroes/villains, I was so excited to make my own.


It also led to one of the greatest/lasting friendships I've ever had.  It had a huge impact on my life and when it shut down I was ofcourse crushed

as much as the next guy.  For years I've been jealous of people being able to revisit their first MMOs, knowing that I could not do the same.


But you all made it possible, you hard-working beautiful people.  Thank you for letting me experience this game again. 

For letting me feel what others have been able to feel for years.  It's absolutely wonderful.

Thank you again! I won't ever be able to say it enough.


I feel ya.  I have what I have dubbed "Gamers A.D.D."  I'll play an mmo for a month or two burn out and move to another... cycle through about 8-10 different ones and end up repeating a loop from time to time.


That being said, CoX was a big repeat for me 2-3 times a year, that is up till a certain time...  Over the past 7 years it's been super hard to 'loop' my cycle as when City's turn came up I had no where to go...


Former Champion shard street sweeper, Alt-aholics Anon attendie... 


Home, I have finally come!


Thanks so much to this Torchbearer team!  I can't even imagine where these extra servers keep being pulled from.  You are simply miracle workers.  I hope you are getting some rest in between your jobs and Torchbearer.  Again, thanks so much for all you do!!  This is a dream come true.


Thank you all!! This was one of the first games I introduced my sons to play and we all fell in love with it!!

We've dreamed of this for a long time and you all made it possible!

My son's can not wait until their summer break from college so they can get back to patrolling the streets!

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