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Not 100% sure where to put this question:


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Since I don't see a general "Archetypes" discussion forum that's not locked to the child boards for the individual AT's


I have a concept that could fit two or three different AT's and three different powersets, and I am curious what the consensus/numbers are on how those powersets compare to each other and how they perform, if there's a difference, on the different ATs. 


Martial Arts, Kinetic Melee, and Street Justice all fit the concept and Brute, Scrapper or maaaaybe Tanker all fit as ATs.  So does anyone have any numbers or rules of thumb for how these sets perform?  I know MA and STJ are largely single target, but I don't remember how KinMe ends up at higher levels. 



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Martial Arts has only one PBAoE attack that I recall, and it's pretty underwhelming.  In general I'd say it's an inferior attack set but one that I really love -- the best thing about the set is the way the attacks look and how one flows into the next.


Street Justice has more AoE potential and is just more viscerally satisfying.  It's one of those sets where they got the animations and sound effects right.  In general I think it's the best damage of the three sets as well, just going off memory here though.


Kinetic Melee is slow and involves a lot of hand-waving, and I'm not very enamored with the sound effects either.  I think this is one of those sets that sounds good on paper but suffers from too much animation time for most of the attacks.  I believe you're right that there's more AoE than the other two, but not enough to make up for the slow animation times.  However Stalkers get their quick-strike Assassin's Strike power when not hidden, which hits instantaneously for a lot of damage, and that's a huge game-changer, the set goes from lackluster to extremely viable for Stalkers because of that.



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