Joshex Posted March 10, 2020 Posted March 10, 2020 (edited) There are 8 missions in this arc, 5 of which can be ghosted the other 3 are kill all. It is worth 55 merits and is repeatable infinitely for the same number of merits, it is a pain if it takes an hour per run or if you miss or can't find a glowie or negotiator or a hidden enemy in some nook and cranny behind a box, Use Tab randomly to find missing enemies. Use the map after completing the fighting mission goals to see the location of the glowies if you couldn't find them earlier, DO NOT spend extra time looking for them unless you are on cleanup. Mission List: (links lead to paragon Wiki, not different parts of this tutorial) 1: Go to the office and save the reporters from the Freakshow (Kill All) 2: Meet with Joe Baker (Ghostable) 3: Protect UniMaxComm from a potential attack (Kill All) 4: Break up the meeting (Ghostable) 5: Investigate the Freakshow strife (Ghostable) 6: Take Clamor Boi out before he can effect a prison break (Ghostable) 7: Stop one of the freakshow raids (Kill All) 8: Stop Freakshow Fighting (Ghostable) Zone list: atlas park boomtown brickstown Crey's folly Faultline Founders Falls Independence port perez park Steel Canyon skyway city Talos Island Missions in this arc are in random zones from the above list, knowing different methods to travel between these is crucial to the speed run. walk only if it's close. As a piece of advice; The entire team will need to have Ouro, Base Transporter (and a base with all TP points, team leader can provide it), Base Transporter Temporary Power (numbered uses), Wentworth's day trader (Buy it from WW or do a lot of trading), Mission transporter, Team Transporter/Teleporter. The Arc takes a little over an hour if you are lucky in the random zone roll you could get 2 or 3 missions in the same zone close to each other and thus do it in less than an hour, but this is not guaranteed. if you want to do it in less than an hour every time, this guide is for you. if you want to attempt to do it in under 30 minutes, this guide is your best bet to attempting it. doing it in less than 30 minutes every time is not guaranteed, you'll need a bit of luck and smarts. This Arc should be run at -1 or +0 x#teammembers for speed. Mission 1 go to the office and save the reporters from the freakshow This is a kill all mission, all kill all missions will require careful teamwork to shave time off. In this case, each player should take a floor, typically there are 2 to 4 floors, so a team of 5 is suggested, it could be handy to have 6 members, so you can have 4 main clearers, 1 cleaner and the mission lead waiting at contact! This mission is likely to be in brickstown or steel canyon, it could be in skyway city in the off chance as well. Start in Steel canyon, go into supergroup base (you need to have a mission crystal), if in brickstown use the crystal to teleport to contact. If in steel canyon exit through the base portal ad n fly there with a jet pack (or flight, or TP pool power), if in any other zone use the SG base teleporters!, no ouro yet!. At any rate for speed you need to have the mission lead wait at contact so they will not be taking part in the mission. At mission complete they need to hand it in and get the next one ASAP. as always the team needs to exit as soon as mission complete happens, any freakshow who get back up after that time need to be ignored. Herding is important, try to collect as many groups as you can per go and lay down with as much AOE, Chain, and or Cone as you can. On x5 a good toon should only have to do at most 7 combined groups per floor. Maximize the use of your AoE attacks NO KnockBack!!!!!!! (or it will take forever!) Knock Up is fine. know your power and know the way the enemy con will be effected, -1 might be KBed by a KUp attack, everything higher will be KUped. if you have KB and it always KBs tell the team before you begin and the tanks need to herd to a corner! The cleaner should attack any and all Buckshot or ranged default enemies on sight with maximum hostility. (as they are hard to herd!) There are 2 glowies in this mission, 1 computer and one bodybag, the body bag counts as one of the reporters, the computer is clues, the cleaner should look for these, the main killers need to move on. Mission 2 : Meet with Joe Baker This mission only requires you to take out the few freakshow immediately holding joe hostage, you do not have to lead him out!. Run to the back and find him. Only 1 person needs to do this mission!, 2 at most! pick your members before you start, make sure they all know who is doing what on this mission and who is standing in the SG base at the teleporter. For speed team leader can be at base and call contact at mission complete. Again, do not worry about freakshow who get back up after mission complete. just exit. This mission is likely to be in Crey's Folly, Independence Port, or in the off chance Skyway City or Atlas Park, it might even be in Perez park.. pretty much these are the best bets, but it could be anywhere! IF it is in crey's folly Mission lead needs to walk around the hospital and enter Crey's folly then tell team the distance. if it is close to the zone entrance anyone who is closest does it (including team lead), if it's far away Mission transporter should be used! BUT ONLY BY THE 1 OR 2 TEAM MEMBERS WHO ARE GOING TO DO IT, EVERYONE ELSE STAY PUT! if it's in Independence port send a scout through ouro to IP to see where it is in zone if it's far away Mission transporter should be used, if it's near the drop off point of the SG base TP or the train the scout tells the team which transport to use! if the scout is close (<=500 yards) the scout should Notify the team to stand down and wait! so whoever the scout is needs to be able to solo a mob at team size and fast. after mission complete the team lead can call the contact. the rest of the team should still have mission TP and ouro and all TP's recharged. this is important! Mission 3: Protect UniMaxComm from a potential Attack As a kill all you need most or all of the team that can get there, 1 per floor, and a cleaner, if you only have 3 people available alternate floors and have a cleaner trail you. On this mission all enemies count, not only freakshow, lab equipment does not count!. Good herding is important! again maximize the use of your AoE attacks NO KnockBack!!!!!!! (or it will take forever!) Knock Up is fine. know your power and know the way the enemy con will be effected, -1 might be KBed by a KUp attack, everything higher will be KUped. If you have KB and it always KBs tell the team before you begin and the tanks need to herd to a corner! The cleaner should attack any and all Buckshot or ranged default enemies on sight with maximum hostility. (as they are hard to herd!) If any of the team had to use mission transporter last mission, have them go to the train or ouro and wait. SG base Transporter will NOT take you to the next mission. again exit on mission complete regardless if anything gets back up. Mission 4: Break Up the Meeting In this mission you only need to defeat the 1 group that has both freakshow and council. finding them is tough, there is a trick though, to do the trick you need to have base editing permissions on your SG base, go to room placement mode and zoom all the way out then exit base editor and go to ouro and the mission from there, the camera will be way way behind you and allow you to merely spin around and browse through and load all the enemies in most of the map. alternatively the freakshow negotiator is usually either, 1: in any of the enemy groups close to the mission start, 2: on the water side (and road corners) of the the big building square or 3: the road leading down towards the next island or 4: on the next island (usually on the far side of the island where the road ramps into the water) if you run through these areas and come back it's likely the freakshow negotiator will be spawned. 2 or 3 people will make this fast but you need to have each person go check out to a different spawn location listed here. it makes no sense to group together unless you already found them and need to murder them quick. whoever finds them starts killing and tells the others, leave immediately on mission complete, it's suggested to kill the council in the group first if you can then the freakshow second that way you don;t need to worry about the freakshow getting up while you are fighting council and making you take more time to kill the freakshow again. planning, planning, planning. premeditated murder? This mission is by train or ouro as said in the last section, team members who did not take part in the last mission because of using mission transporter etc. should be waiting at the closest transport and they and they alone should do this mission. during this time others can attempt to get there to help via ouro (if it's recharged) or run to the train. 1 or 2 (NO MORE!) of the team members who were on the last mission can get ready to scout for the next mission by standing in SG base at the teleporters. Mission 5: Investigate the Freakshow Strife this is ghostable you need to have 1 person run to the back and kill only the enemies guarding the zikzak man, it says talk to him, but you do not have to click him. just save him, you do not have to lead him out. he is always always in the back of the top floor. usually hidden in a back room or hallway. so you need not look for him on any other floor. after finding him the glowie will popup on map and you can find it or have another team member find it then exit. Tip, try not to agro the freaks near the glowie if you can, use stealth powers and just click it asap on sight. if there are 2 people on the mission one can click it while the other is looking for the zikzak man. while this is going on the rest of the team should be waiting at the ready at the SG base TPs To get to this mission Mission TP can be used, it is likely to be in brickstown, boomtown, or Talos island or skyway city. but again it can be anywhere. best to use a scout if it's in a big zone, have them SG base TP in and see if it's close to any TP points or if you need mission TP. Mission 6: Take clamor boi out before he can effect the prison break. this will take place in a sewer gate either in Atlas park, Boomtown, or brickstown, it could randomly be in steel or skyway or perez too, but it's likely one of the first 3. 1 or 2 people need to ghost run to the back and take out clamor boi and the rest of the mobs in that room. herd them and destroy. exit on complete. one or two designated people who did not take place in the last mission should Mission transport (IF THEY STILL HAVE IT) they should ghost this next mission! if not and it can be reached by ouro do so, if not by ouro, if it is in a place with WW, use WW teleporter, or base TP, then use the teleporters in base is necessary. everyone else should wait in the base TP room for Mission 7! Mission 7: Stop one of the freakshow raids Kill all, another save the lab technicians and defeat all freaks. use the same tactics as previous kill all missions. all enemies count, lab equipment does not count. you really need the cleaner here. After this mission use whatever transporters you have available everyone heads to the last mission. Mission 8: Stop the freakshow fighting this mission is deceptive, it might make you think it's a defeat all, but infact you just need to find the freaks who fight eachother and talk and any freaks who are visibly nearby. ignore all others. for best result the team should split up and take one freak show leaders group each. if anyone is left over they can assist as needed. this mission can be done in like 5 minutes or less. thats it. this is the best advice I can give on speed running it. if you used this advice; post your time and tips below, this only works with a team, if you are solo, it's really just a case of luck and careful usage of TP powers and x1. any tips which lead to better times will be included in an edit and you'll be referenced/quoted. Edited March 13, 2020 by Joshex 1
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