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Unnatural Order/Will of the Earth DE Mission Arc


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Has the Unnatural Order/Will of the Earth mission arc been updated to be super nasty? Every time I hit one of the crystals probably 15 DE spawn within 20 feet of the crystal.


10 deaths to get through the first mission with the crystals even after I figured out a trick to eventually let me succeed, so I can't do that again. Trick won't work in the low caves anyway.

27 MM Nin/Traps. I went through this with a Rad/Rad Sentinel several months ago and zipped right through it.

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3 hours ago, jlee8 said:

Yeah, it’s your pets. Dismiss your pets, except for 1, once the DE spawns, call them back for battle. The game seems to think each pet is actually a separate player. Probably a bug.

I'll give it a go without pets


Haven't changed the difficulty settings.

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