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powers from expansion boosters etc.


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I see people with some of these like fortune telling and self destruct how are these being accessed on these servers?


I copied the files from my old game that didn't do anything except set my global chat to what it used to be afaik.





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Yes! I overlooked her the first time. In the Galaxy City tutorial when you finish the first little bit and level up, there's a trainer before you go into an event fight. A P2W rep is right there.


What is really nice is you can claim several of these powers and the way they are doled out seems very balanced to me. Like of the sands of mu, blackwand, nem staff, and ghost killing axe you're allowed to pick 3 (and there are some extra versions of the staves for origin match or no).

You want ninja run? you get ninja run. Need the jump pack? You can have 1 free. Keep in mind FULL travel powers are now available at level 4 though and you get inherent swift and hurdle at level 2. But NINJA RUN.

You want the fortune telling or mutation power or that third one about inner inspiration? You get 1 free, you can buy more later when you have fat sacks of influence.

You want the prestige sprints? Click here to get them all at once but we can't take them back.

Want to erase the starter power or give back sands of Mu? They can do that.


The vendors also have some other perks and temp powers for actual sale but some of the most primo things people want are available immediately for free.


The P2W vendor in Atlas Park is on the plaza near Ms. Liberty. If you go to your map (M) and zoom in there is a store marker you can click on if you're having trouble finding her (likely, she'll be surrounded by a crowd.)



See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!

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