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More base decor!

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So I recently saw that they have added (or were about to add?) a bunch o' new items to base decorating and I think that's wonderful! I am a big fan of base building and creativity. Yes, I played ridiculous amounts of The Sims. I would love to see this continue to be added to, and we have tons of existing models for items already made. My current main, Retrowave, has an underground cyberpunky dance club for a base, and the lack of sweet, sweet effects and items for this makes me sadface. Now, I've gotten around it so far by using "approximations" of certain items (computer towers for big speakers, tech effects for laser lights, etc) but it's ... just not quite right. So at the risk of sounding selfish, here are my top desires for base items:


- those fancy laser lights/gobos you find in warehouse rave/dance areas

- speakers that aren't tiny little wall-mounted things

- those tv screens with Lord Recluse on them. Heck, any new tv screens, esp those with animations on them.

- NEON SIGNS. Tons of em. They're everywhere, yet we can't use a single one in our bases!

- More varieties of NPCs, esp dancing ones. Would *love* to get dancing Freakshow in there!


And one final suggestion: a lot of the sitting female NPCs are not quite level with the vast majority of seating. No matter if you shift them slightly above, below, or what seems to be level, they just aren't quite sitting on the chairs correctly. Any other suggestions, I would love to hear! What decor do you guys think is missing from bases?


Stay rad!

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