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If and when donations become a thing


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So, I'll throw it out there as I am sure many have. I am more than willing to donate to help with the server load.

I am aware of the maybe legal issues, that is something I'm sure both parties don't want to get involved with. Once that gets sorted out I thought of a nifty idea.

So regular one time donations could be a thing obviously, but in addition have a monthly donation almost as if it were a subscription to the game and maybe include some perks?

Idk.. I am just so amazed this game is back and I never thought this day would come again. I am so willing to help out in anyway that I can, so I guess my excitement is on overload right now.

I appreciate all the hard work everyone is doing here and I am so so so grateful and humble. Just like me and so many others, we want to help you all out for all this hard work!

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There's been a lot of people talking about how they would sub again if they legally could, just to keep the servers running. I'm sure it's already being talked about in the circles running the show, but until we have some legal issues ironed out this is pretty much where we're stuck :(

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There's been a lot of people talking about how they would sub again if they legally could, just to keep the servers running. I'm sure it's already being talked about in the circles running the show, but until we have some legal issues ironed out this is pretty much where we're stuck :(

Yeah, I know. I just want to support SOOOO BAD. I understand though, it is all legal stuff. Like I said I am grateful and happy for what we have already. I can't complain at all.

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Donations are fully legal to accept, just don't start charging people to play and they won't bat an eye.




So, here's the thing, running this server at all is a violation of copyright law and at any point could go to court should NCSoft choose. Since there's no money changing hands at the moment, it is more likely that NCSoft will let us be for longer. Not only that, if they were to go to court over this, and they had accepted donations, it would strengthen NCSoft's case and NCSoft could lay claim to any donations that came from this. In other words, the person who accepted the donations could be made to pay them back to NCSoft. Nothing about this is simply "It's legal, I don't see why we're not doing it."


If there is someone in the crowd who is licensed to practice law that wants to tell me I'm wrong, then by all means. I am not a lawyer, but this seems like pretty much common sense to me that you can't accept money in any form that would go to aiding or abetting copyright infringement.

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