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I used to RP and write in a thread on the official forums when I was a kid, Whitmoore Apartments. Anyone else still around from that? It's been a while and I just got back into this, thought I'd throw a line. Uh, character name was Tick-Tok.

  • 8 months later

Sorry to thread Necro this, but was searching for something else and came upon this.

I remember Tick-Tok from the Whitmoore Apartments. I was more of a reader and wasn't a participant until later on (Psilent Threat).

I was more active in Paragon University thread.


But yes, a few still remember. AV and I have revived Paragon University thread...go there...participate.  🙂


RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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