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From talking on the discord I've come to the realization that MM pet sets themselves don't have an obvious theme, and that really hurts how you'd design them or balance them. They are often seen as all related to each other, instead of being their own thing. But when that was realized, discussion started on what if each MM pet set was supposed to be its own AT, instead of being related to each other, and suddenly things made sense.


For example...


Bots are the tankiest of all the sets with AoE damage but poor single target. This is in line with Tankers.


Ninjas are squishy but have very high damage and criticals. This is in line with Scrappers


Mercs (after the new patch.) will be more Blaster like, being squishy but doing high damage with minor CC. This will be in line with Blasters


Necros have lots of debuffs and other such effects. This is in line with Corruptors or Defenders. (take your pick as this is the only 'support' MM pet set)


Thugs are much like Soldiers of Arachnos, they do a little bit of everything but only benefit themselves or other pets. This could be in line with SoA or Brutes, depending if you want to think of their design around all the pets, or just the bruiser.


Demons blast things and do blaster like stuff, but their boss monster spams a ST hold. This is very in line with what Dominators do.


Beasts are more or less Ninja 2.0 and will need an identity of themselves. Right now they are just scrappers. My suggestion would be making them like Sentinals but with a blapper mindset/melee mindset instead of all ranged like Sentinals.



Now you might be saying "Demons don't have any AoE mez!" or "Mercs don't have any nukes!" or "Ninjas don't have a big finisher!" And thats the point. MM pet sets are representatives of "A mini AT", giving them the large, powerful abilities of the AT they are based on would instead make them an actual AT and remove what makes that AT special.


And this should help new MM sets be designed and current MM sets be balanced. They wont be balanced with each other in the conventional sense, but can be a representative of what each AT looks like when balanced against each other with a support behind them.

Edited by ArchmageMC
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