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Desesperate about performances


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Tested CoH on a surface pro 4 with win 10 and on a Asus rog with ubuntu 19; first one with a integrated intel chipset, second with a nvidia gforce 660, both should be overkill with CoH engine. Sadly, both installs runs below 15 fps. I'm desesperate to play CoH again. Should I buy a 2010 pc again lol? Got an old 2012 mac book air, maibe it's the best candidate ^^

Tried every possible set up, tutorial, and the like sigh

Any help will be most welcome. :'(

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The integrated intel graphics are gonna kill it on a Surface, since they don't support OpenGL anymore, unless you can manage the workaround.  Silk's guide might help you if you want to try that.


The Asus on the other hand...  Are you running graphics on performance or quality?  Also make sure your FSAA isn't maxed.  It never does well, even on beasty rigs.


Unfortunately CoH uses a lot of stuff that was starting to be outdated even while it was still live.  Stuff like OpenGL, that just didn't catch on.  It's also 32-bit in what has become a 64-bit world.  Hopefully whatever is causing your issue is an easy fix.  Otherwise I'm sure some folks will chime in with advice on a low cost machine that will be able to run it smoothly for you.

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Thanks for the reply, got some old win xp gear lurking around home, maybe I'll give it a shot. Also experimenting with a virtual box with xp black edition. I'll keep the forums updated on my findings.

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I'm not computer smart really, just good at remembering things I read, and therefore passing useful info on.  Maybe I should have said it evolved into something better, and therefore became obsolete the way it was.  I didn't really know what happened to it, I was just under the impression that CoH used a lot of things that ended up being impractical and that's why it's so crazy to run.  My apologies for misspeaking if OpenGL wasn't one of them. ;)

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