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Costume Suggestion : Boot Stripes & Cimeroran Robes


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I would like to see a few additional options added that are currently in the game already so should be easier to add than most. 


First off it always bothered me we couldn't add the stripes down the front of the basic boot styles like stilettos and flats and such like the Paragon Protectors already show off in their fancy costumes to make us jealous.  That stripe like the Protectors have is a pretty iconic look on super costumes.  If you could please add it that would be awesome! 


Another item I've not understood why we don't have in the game for the rest of us is the robes the Oracles wear, especially the loin cloth on the front and back.  Pretty sure we got their belt so if we do actually have access to the robe and I'm not seeing it let me know. 


Not sure if any of this stuff ever gets put in but for these ones already in game I'd think it would be easier so if there's some notification that these things are added I'd like to see what costume pieces they are able to add to. 

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