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Allison King: Save the Wyatt mediums -- objectivs are unclear


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This first mission I got from Allison King in Brickstown was a bit of a fiasco.  The main thing was I think it was set up like a boss style mission where you must defeat a boss and all their guards (clear the room they're in).  But there is no boss and the mission objectives don't mention one.  There's objectives to find: one clue, and rescue three hostages (only two, actually, are mentioned as objectives; Jan Wyatt herself needs rescuing but the mission objectives don't mention that, just the mission text).  But after all that there's still no mission complete.


So I ended up killing at random and I think the mission ended when either I cleared the second room, or the guards who might have been near the clue (a CoT altar you need to click on).  Still not sure which one did it, but if the objectives could be updated it would help out what is admittedly an ancient mission from the dark days of CoH.


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