Scutt Posted February 16, 2023 Posted February 16, 2023 (edited) As a returning player, I found the learning curve on the many acronym's to be sometimes bewildering. Especially with the many task forces and the what not. I scoured the interwebs, asked a bunch of folk, and just watched the various chat channels to make this hopefully handy guide. Please let me know about any additions or corrections that need to happen. Love, Scutt City of Heroes: Acronym and Abbreviation Glossary 50+1, 50+2, 50+3 Characters that have run Incarnate content, reached certain levels and have specific incarnate slots top-tiered. Referred to as level shift. AE Architect Entertainment, the player-created mission hub. Commonly used for farming. AH Auction House, sometimes also WW for Wentworths. Alt/Alting When one switches to another character (toon) or alternate. AP Atlas Park. AoE Refers to a power's Area of Effect - namely in a diameter. AT Archetype, such as Blaster, Tanker, etc. ATO/ATE Archetype Enhancement, Attuned and unique enhancements for set archetypes. ATT Assemble the Team. A power that teleports all teammates to the caster. Available at P2W vendor. AV Archvillain BAB/BaBs Back Alley Brawler, formerly Galaxy City's trainer/signature hero before Galaxy became a tutorial zone and BaBs was moved to a corner of AP. BaF Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trail. Level 50. bio Means bio break, like needing to go to the bathroom. Blue/Red/Yellow Blue, Hero Red, Villain Yellow, Praetoria BNY Baby New Year - part of the Winter Event. BR Beam Rifle power set. BRT "Be right there". BU The Build Up power. CC 1. Costume Contest. 2. Crowd Control, another term for Mez. 3. The Crowd Control (War Mace) power for Brutes, Scrappers, and Tankers and the Crowd Control (Bane Spider Soldier) power for Arachnos Soldiers. Cim Cimerora zone. CoP Cathedral of Pain Trial. Level range 10-50. All players are sidekicked/lackeyed to 50 regardless of team leader levels. CoT 1. Circle of Thorns, an enemy group. 2. Cavern of Transcendence, a trial in the Hollows. Levels 12-15. CoX Common abbreviation of "City of X". A shorthand way of referring to both City of Heroes and City of Villains at the same time. Cuda Barracuda Strike Force, a Villain strike force, found in Grandville, that has been compared to the Dr Khan Task Force. Levels 45-50. DA 1. Dark Astoria, an Incarnate-focused co-op zone. If someone says DA repeatables they are talking about missions in Dark Astoria, run for incarnate mats. 2. Dark Armor, one of the power sets available for Tankers, Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers. 3. Dark Assault, a power set for Dominators. 4. Darkness Affinity, a power set for Controllers. DB Dual Blades, a melee power set. dc/dcd Disconnected. DD (or DDT) Dilemma Diabolique itrail. Level 50. DFB Death from Below trail. A popular way to level quickly pre-20. Rewards are a choice of a temp-power that boosts either your Damage, Accuracy, Defense or Recovery, which lasts a full week of logged-in time or until level 22, whichever comes first. DiB Drowning in Blood trial, a hero and villain DFB replacement from level 15 up. DO Dual Origin enhancements. DoT Damage over Time. Instead of all the damage from a power applying right when the power hits, the damage accumulates over time. DP Dual Pistols power set. DPA 1. The amount of damage done by an attack, divided by the length of time for the attack animation to display on screen (aka the "activation" or "casting" time). Also called DPCS, or Damage Per Cast Second. 2. A metric used to compare the effectiveness of two powers, now preferred over the older Brawl Index. DPE Damage Per Endurance. The amount of damage done by a power divided by its Endurance cost. DPS 1.Damage Per Second. The amount of damage done by a power, divided by the length of time before you can use it again (cast duration plus recharge period). This specific meaning is also known as DPC, or Damage Per Cast Cycle, to disambiguate it from... 2. The average rate of damage output in a more general sense, either from a single power, or a specific series of attacks, or an entire character, usually focusing on how high a rate can be sustained over a long fight. 3. Dimensional-Photon Shift. According to Tina Macintyre's missions, this is a type of energy associated with portal technology, which can be used to measure portal activity. EA 1. Energy Aura, a power set. 2. Electric Armor, a power set. 3. Energy Assault, a power set. EM Energy Melee, a power set shared by Tankers, Brutes, and Stalkers. END Endurance. Emp Empathy, a power set shared by Defenders and Controllers. EoE Essence of the Earth. An inspiration drop, during Hamidon raids, that reduces damage dealt from Mitochondria Antibodies, Mitochondria Electrolytes and Hamidon itself. FA 1. Fiery Aura, a power set for Tankers, Brutes, and Scrappers. 2. Frozen Armor, a power in the Ice Armor power set for Tankers. FBZ Firebase Zulu zone. FF 1. Fire Farm. Missions designed for efficient XP farming, featuring large groups of fire-based enemies vulnerable to specific damage types. Players use these farms to quickly level up characters by repeatedly defeating concentrated enemy spawns with area-of-effect abilities. 2. Founders' Falls zone. 3. The Force Feedback invention origin set (typically just the recharge proc). 4. Force Field, a power set available to Controllers, Defenders, and Masterminds. 5. Frostfire, an elite boss and leader of the Outcasts. FFA Free For All. For example, Warburg is a Free For All PvP zone, where any character can attack another. G2G 1. “(I have) got to go” 2. “Good to go” GJ "Good Job", typically said at the end of a successful battle or mission. GM 1. Giant Monster. 2. Game Manager/Master. HEAT Hero Epic Archetypes which are Peacebeinger and Warshade. HO/Hami-O's Hamidon Origin enhancements, obtained by fighting the raid boss Hamidon in the Hive (heroes) or the Abyss (villains) (Also SHOs/SHOes, or Synthetic Hamidon Origin enhancements, obtained from the Statesman and Lord Recluse Task Force/Strike Forces). Inc "Incoming", usually to indicate that a group of enemies is approaching, either because of accidental aggro or an ambush. Incan Incandescence incarnate power. A full league teleport. Inf Influence, Information, Infamy, depending if you're Hero, Praetorian or Villain. The currency of the game. IO Invention Origin enhancements, Crafted enhancements made from a recipe using salvage. Common IOs can be slotted if they're within 3 levels higher than the character – there is no lower limit. A level 40 character can slot a level 20 IO. IOs don't stop giving their aspect buff ever – you can't out level them. If you are 10 levels higher than the IO, it will still provide the same aspect buff it did when you were the same level as that IO. IP Independence Port. ITF Imperious Task Force in Cimerora. Levels 35-50. itrial Incarnate Trial. Trials available for characters once hitting level 50. KB Knockback. A character is "knocked back" when they are thrown back a distance and to the floor by the force of an attack. KD Knockdown. A character is "knocked down" when they are knocked off their feet but are not knocked back. Kin Refers to the Kinetic power set. KM Kill most. When the aim is to defeat most but not all foes. KR King's Row. KTF 1. KatieTask Force, properly known as the Katie Hannon Task Force, given by Katie Hannon in Croatoa. Level Range 30-34. 2. Kahn Task Force, properly known as the Dr. Kahn Task Force, given by Dr. Kahn in Founders' Falls. Levels 45-50. KU Knockup. A character is "knocked up" when they are thrown into the air by the force of an attack. LFT / LFG / LFM / LF#M "Looking for team/group/more". When, for example, “LF3M” is used it denotes three slots are open on that team. LGTF Lady Grey Task Force. A co-operative Task Force that allows heroes and villains to team together. Levels 45-50. Lab Labyrinth of Fog Trial Zone. Lambda / MoLambda The Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial. Level 50. LoS Line of Sight, and is typically used when someone (either the tank or group lead) aggros a group and breaks Line of Sight around a corner or object. This causes the aggroed group to stack on top of the tank or group lead which makes AoE damage a breeze. This technique can also be used to pull a group that may be too close to another group. LOTG The Luck of the Gambler invention origin set whose proc grants 7.5% recharge to all powers. LRT Long Range Teleporter. Allows you to teleport to another zone, or a supergroup base, once every 10 minutes. Collecting any Exploration badge in a zone will unlock it as a destination for your Long Range Teleporter. Magi Magisterium itrail. Level 50. MCMarket Crash Trial. Level 40. Mez Short for Mesmerize. Any Status Effect that prevents a player or enemy from fighting, such as Sleep, Hold, or Disorient. Usually does not refer to effects like Immobilize, Taunt, or Placate that only make fighting more difficult. Not to be confused with the power Mesmerize, although this is also considered a 'Mez'. MI Mercy Island, A Villain zone. Min /Mino The Minotaur within The Labyrinth of Fog Trial Zone. mish Mission. MK The Villain Mortimer Kal Strike Force “The Fire and the Flames”. Levels 20-40. MLTF Ms Liberty Task Force. Levels 45-50. MM The Mastermind archetype. Mo[name] Denotes a "Master Of" Task or Strike Force, meaning they have an extra Accolade badge associated with them for either completing the Task/Strike Force with certain limitations or, by collecting a set of Achievement Badges that can be obtained within the Task/Strike Force. These Accolades are entitled "Master of [name of] Task/Strike Force" and are thus referred to as "Master of" badges. MoDD Dilemma Diabolique incarnate trial. The ‘M’ denotes the Master of Dilemma Diabolique Badge awarded upon successfully getting all badges in this trial. Level 50. MoG Moment of Glory. A defense power in which you gain Resistance and Defense to all damage types except Psionics, recover Endurance more quickly, and are highly resistant to Knockback, Sleep, Disorient, Immobilization, and Hold effects. Crey Paragon Protectors have this power and it's commonly dreaded as it takes a while to chip through it. MoM Minds of Mayhem itrail. Level 50. MoU The Underground Incarnate Trial. The ‘M’ denotes the gaining of the Master of the Underground badge for completing this trial properly. Level 50. MSR Rikti Mothership Raid. The Raid Trial in the Rikti War Zone. All levels. MSTF Mender Silos Task Force. Task Force found in the Ouroboros zone. Levels 46-50. mt Miss-tell, usually expressed to indicate that the previous message by the user was sent to either the wrong chat window or player. MTF 1. Manticore Task Force, the Task Force given by Manticore in Brickstown. Levels 30-35. 2. Moonfire Task Force, the Task Force given by Moonfire in Striga Isle. Levels 23-28. NRG 1. Energy Assault, a Dominator secondary power set. 2. Energy Aura, a power set shared by Brutes and Stalkers. 3. Energy Blast, a power set shared by Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors. 4. Energy Manipulation, a Blaster secondary power set. 5. Energy Melee, a power set shared by Tankers, Brutes, and Stalkers. omw "On my way", commonly used when a new team member has been added and is heading in. Oro/Ouro Ouroboros zone. Commonly used when someone wishes an Ouroboros portal to be opened, and location for a number of incarnate trails. P2W P2W Vendor. "Play2Win", in most games it's a commentary on 'real money economy' and cash shops, in this one it's a tongue-in-cheek reference to that same commentary, because the P2W shop in CoH is 100% real-money-free, everything costs either nothing at all or various amounts of Inf ranging from 'hey that's pretty cheap' to 'exorbitant'. PB The Peacebringer archetype. PBAoE Refers to a power which has a Point Blank Area of Effect - namely in a diameter. PD Pocket D, the neutral nightclub and RPers' retreat. Home to the earliest-accessible cosmetic surgeon (second floor of the Tiki Lounge on the villains' side, though heroes can go there as well), and Null the Gull (who can, among other things, send you to fan-made seasonal event zones at any time, and instantly switch you between Hero, Villain, Vigilante, and Rogue). PI Peregrine Island. PL Power Level. A tactic of trying to gain as much experience as quickly as possible with the goal of quickly attaining a high level. Posi / Posi1 / Posi2 Positron Task Force Part 1/Part 2. Levels 8-15. Proc In reference to special invention set enhancements which have extra attributes that have a chance to trigger within certain time frames. 1. A random chance for an event (specifically when related to the use of a power) to occur. 2. A procedure. This may also refer to the backronym: Programmed Random Occurrence. PST “Please send tell”. A request to send a personal message to that character. PuG “Pick Up Group”, A team that forms on an ad hoc basis, and typically with characters and players that are unfamiliar with each other. Purple Referring to very rare invention origin recipe sets. PvE Player versus enemy/environment, a battle in which one combatant or team is composed of players and the other combatant(s) are controlled by the game. PvP Player vs Player, a battle in which human players are adversaries. QoL Quality of Life. Major or minor changes that mainly have to do with a player's enjoyment of the game. RA 1. Recovery Aura, a power in the Empathy power set. Dramatically increases Endurance Recovery. 2. Regeneration Aura, another power in the Empathy power set. Dramatically increases Regeneration Rate. Often seen is a request to "gather for RA" by Empathy Defenders or Controllers - intended to draw one's team within the area of effect of these powers. Rad 1. Radiation Emission, a power set shared by Defenders, Controllers, and Corruptors. 2. Radiation Blast, a power set shared by Defenders and Corruptors. Respec A Respecification (a.k.a. "Power Respecification", "respec") allows a player to respecify a character. This allows Primary and Secondary Powers, Power Pool Powers and Enhancement Slot assignments to be changed. Power Set selections (both Primary and Secondary) cannot be changed. RGR "Roger!" RWZ Rikti War Zone. Location of the Rikti Mothership Raid (MSR). SB Speed Boost, a power in the Kinetics power set. Greatly increases an ally's movement speed, attack rate, and endurance recovery. SBB Summer Blockbuster Double Feature trial. Levels 15-29. SC 1. Steel Canyon, a zone in City of Heroes, usually abbreviated as "Steel". 2. Skyway City, a zone in City of Heroes, usually abbreviated as "Sky" or "Skyway". 3. Siren's Call, a PvP zone in both City of Heroes and City of Villains. SG Supergroup. S/L Smashing/Lethal defense or resistance. SLAM Speed Lambda Incarnate Trial. Level 50. SM 1. St. Martial, a city zone in City of Villains. 2. Stone Melee, a Tanker/Brute power set. 3. Stone Mastery, one of the Ancillary Power Pools. 4. Soul Mastery, one of the Patron Power Pools. SO Single Origin enhancements, which are twice as good as DOs. SS 1. The Super Speed travel power. 2. Super Strength power set. TC “Take care!” TF/SF Task Force (heroes)/Strike Force (villains). TFC The badge and accolade Task Force Commander which gives you +5% Hit Points, and access to military epaulets at the Tailor. TI Talos Island. Tinpex This is in reference to the Tin Mage and Apex Taskforces which are often run back-to-back.Level 50 and requires an open Alpha incarnate slot. Toon Slang for Player Character. ToT “Trick or Treat”, used during the Halloween event TP Teleport power. TPN TPN Campus IncarnateTrial. Level 50. Treespec A term that specifically refers to the City of Villains Tree of Thorns Respecification Trial. Presumably, the origins of its name refers to the Thorn Tree and the word Respec, an often-used name for Power Respecification. TT Team Teleport. A power that teleports all team members to the next mission door. Available at P2W for some hefty inf. VEAT Villain Epic Archetype, which are Arachnos Soldier and Arachnos Widow. WP Will Power secondary powerset. WS The Warshade archetype WST Weekly Strike Target, A weekly task force or trial that gives special bonuses for completing. WTO Winter Origin Enhancement sets. Yin Penelope Yin Task Force. Levels 20-25. Complied by @RaeD8 (Homecoming) (Second edition - August 2024) Thanks to the forum user OmegaX123 for having already compiled many of these, and to the many others that have contributed! FURTHER READING: Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls Edited November 19, 2024 by Scutt Additions 1 2 3
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