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Sorry to bundle two bugs into one post but they coincide here somewhat.


Bug 1: The cybertech long jacket (at least Male) is missing the ability to tint the inside of the trenchcoat tail directly. However it will pick up colors if you have the setting to copy colors across all slots enabled. Thus, the issue is not that the part is missing color channels, just the ability to select them in the costume editor. This item is basically a cape and needs access to inner primary and secondary color choices.


Part: Upper Body -> Jackets ->Cybertech Long

*note the relevant part counts as a CAPE just as with trenchcoat tails. However as this is in the jacket section and there's no multiple choice of tails you automatically get the standard matching one with Cybertech Long, and no tail at all with Cybertech Short. (I assume this is why it's not in the Trenchcoat category as it wouldn't match those forms.)


Bug 2: There is a related color bug in the costume editor. Sometimes parts lose the selected color as you browse through them and go to the 2nd black and white colors (the 2nd and 9th choices on the top row of the color block I believe). This bug happens when you click on the specific item like Tights and mouse up and down the pop up list. I usually have it happen after moving a dozen lines up or down but not 100% of the time. I've never seen it happen if you restrict yourself to using the forward and backward buttons. Related to this, if you have applied colors across your costume, disabled that (for example to start tinting your hair) often when I pick a new item or change category for a slot, I'll find the default color is off black 1-2 and off white 1-9. If you change to jackets and then pick Cybertech Long it is treated as opening up a whole new category of parts and defaults to the 1-2 and 1-9 colors.




I was able to work around this by saving my costume and editing it in notepad to apply the missing color:


Fx Capes/N_Characters/N_Cyberpunk/CapeCyberpunkMale_02.fx

Geometry N_Male_Cyberpunk_01.geo/GEO_Jackets_Cyberpunk_01

Texture1 !X_Jacket_Cyberpunk_02

Texture2 none

DisplayName P828551227

RegionName "Upper Body"

BodySetName Jackets

Color1  0,  0,  0

Color2  76,  77,  255

Color3  0,  0,  0

Color4  76,  77,  255


Rows 3 and 4 in this example represent me copying over the proper main and secondary color (darkest Black 1-1 and Indigo Lavender 12-7). The values that were in the file when I loaded it were 31, 31, 31 and 227, 227, 227 -- off black 1-2 and off white 1-9.

See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!

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