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Name: Kevin Spencer


Nom De Guerre: Ionic Burst


Sex: Male


Height: 6'


Weight: 205 lbs


Hair: Brown


Eyes: Blue


Place of Birth: Paragon City, Rhode Island, USA


Current Nationality: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record


Known Relatives: Father (Leonard Spencer), Mother (Kathleen Spencer), Sister (Veronica Spencer; see Ionica)


Current Occupation: Superhero, founder of the Sentinels of Honor


Current Place of Residence: The Sentinels of Honor's underwater base near Striga Isle, Paragon City


Affiliations: Founder and leader of the Sentinels of Honor, reserve member of the Freedom Phalanx


Hobbies: Charity work, Video games, Pen and Paper RPGs, Listening to music (Alternative, Goth Rock and Oldies)


Quote: "Bravery is not the absence of fear... Bravery is the will to do the right thing, to overcome adversity despite one's fear"


Origin of Powers: Science; Infusion of alien DNA with his own


Strength Level: Ionic Burst possesses the strength and endurance of a human of his age, height and weight who engages in intensive regular exercise.




Ionic Burst is an amalgamation of human and alien physiology, though of what alien race is as yet unknown. This has resulted in his body essentially becoming a cosmic battery; at any given moment he is absorbing small amounts of various types of energy in his environment. This process is largely involuntary, though given the right circumstances, he is capable of voluntarily absorbing vast quantities of energy, the upper limits of which is currently unknown. He is able to convert this energy within his body for various uses, the most notable being the ability to project blasts of high intensity plasma, a combination of concussive force and heat so intense that it can cause many objects to shatter upon contact. He is immune to the effects of the energy he generates. Over the time he has been a hero, he has gotten quite accurate with his blasts, and with enough concentration, almost never misses. Other ways he has learned to harness this energy include:


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* Charging his fists with explosive energy, infusing his melee attacks with incredible damage potential.


* Gathering energy up within himself to temporarily increase the damage of his plasma blasts.


* Gathering up all his power at once, to release it in a devastating omnidirectional blast which he calls his Nova Blast. After using it, he is exhausted, but few things can remain standing after being hit by it.


*Manipulate space to teleport an ally to his side, with an upward range of around 1 to 2 miles. He is as yet unable to teleport himself.


* Manipulate the gravitrons around his body to carry a negative charge, partially negating the force of Earth's gravity upon him. Further, he can expel invisible blasts of energy in any direction needed to propel him through the sky at high speeds. Considering the fact that this doesn't seem to require a great deal of concentration, it's likely that this process is largely subconscious.


* Create a field of solid energy around himself, to protect him from harm. Since he seems unable to attack with this field up, it's likely it requires a great degree of concentration to maintain.




* Create a tight field of superdense formfitting energy around himself, making him nearly invulnerable, while still allowing him to attack. However, this cannot be maintained for more than a couple minutes at a time, so it seems to be very draining.

Blanket his body with a lesser form of that field, to protect him from kinetic energy (Punches, kicks, gunfire, etc), though the energy matrix is loose enough that attacks of pure energy and elements cannot be stopped. This field can be maintained indefinitely.


Limitations: Ionic Burst is limited by the fact that he still needs air to survive, though his force field can allow him to breathe in inhospitable environments for a short time until the oxygen within the field is depleted.




Kevin Spencer grew up in a nice middle class family in Paragon City; specifically on the streets of Galaxy City (Then Paragon Heights). As with many young boys surrounded by vast statues of larger than life heroes, he grew up idolizing many of them, fantasizing that when he grew up he'd be a hero and fight badguys, just like Statesman, Sister Psyche, and Miss Liberty. There was even a retired heroine living in his very neighborhood, Kelly Graham, once known as Galaxy Girl. The whole neighborhood loved her, but she was an especially good friend of his parents, and Kevin got to see her often (She even spent one Thanksgiving with his family). His own grandparents passed away before he could even remember, Kelly was literally the grandmother that he and his sister Veronica never had. They called her "Gramma Graham", and due to her influence, Kevin grew up to be a clean cut young man of very high morals, always thinking of those least fortunate first.


After finishing High School, Kevin received a scholarship to Paragon University, where he planned to study the humanities and eventually become a teacher. He and his High School sweetheart Elizabeth already had plans to get married once he graduated and got a professional job. His future seemed bright, or so it seemed. The summer before he was to start college, he and Elizabeth were walking home through King's Row after seeing a movie late one night. Suddenly, the two were rocked by an explosion, sending them sprawling across the pavement. Struggling to maintain consciousness, he realized that his arm and both his legs were shattered, and saw that Elizabeth wasn't doing much better. He watched in horror through a bloody haze, as a hideous creature, easily 10 feet tall with blotchy gray skin and an enormous maw of razor sharp teeth emerged from the crater caused by the explosion. It chortled and spoke in an alien tongue, before swiftly moving toward the wounded Elizabeth, snatching her up. Kevin screamed through blood and tears, unable to move as he was forced to helplessly watch it devour the girl he loved... a memory forever etched into his nightmares. He gritted his teeth as the creature grinned wickedly and strode toward him.. it was clear that this was no animal instinct hunting beast, but a sentient creature who took malevolent pleasure from killing. I'm sorry, Elizabeth, he thought as the creature reached for him.


Just as he thought his life was over, the air was filled with the sounds of high powered energy blasts... heroes, he thought, looking up. But it was not heroes he saw; rather, a group of six three fingered humanoids in a strange silver garb, each assailing the creature with blasts of high intensity plasma. The creature fought savagely, but was quickly overwhelmed, and all that remained was a charred husk. The creatures stood around the monster, nodding, before looking at Kevin... they began conversing among themselves in another alien tongue, and finally one of them kneeled over him and placed a hand on his brow. "Yttfihjrolnas'ctimonyagr..." it spoke to him... Kevin shook his head, confused and dazed. It spoke again, it's words somehow trailing into something he could understand. "Stgjowak'at'rry for your loss.. this criminal we have ben chasing for come time now... he will never hurt anyone again... you are dying, Terran... and while we cannot bring your mate back, we can save your life, as well as gift you and your world with something great..." Kevin merely closed his eyes... he couldn't think. He felt apathy and guilt... if only there'd been something he could have done... The creature passed his hand over Kevin's eyes, and he blacked out.


When he woke, the pain of his injuries were gone. He looked around, and saw that he still lay at the scene of the attack. The crater was still there, but the silver garbed beings and the dead creature were gone... Elizabeth's body lay nearby, mangled but in one piece. He scrambled over to her side and wept, even as the words of the alien resounded in his mind. "Kevin Spencer of Terra, your genetics have been combined with our own, in order to save the life that was quickly slipping away... you will find that you possess many abilities that most of your race does not have. We have searched your heart and found you to be among the most noble of your race. The power we have imparted to you is yours to use, so follow your heart. I know you will use it wisely. Farewell." Kevin heard the words, but at the time was focused only on the immense pain wracking his noble heart.


Elizabeth's service was held the next week, and he took small comfort in the consoling he recieved from his parents, his sister, Elizabeth's parents and Graham. In Graham he confided several weeks later what had happened, and of the powers he now possessed. Graham was very understanding and helped him through a very difficult part of his life, even introducing him to S.E.R.A.P.H. contacts. Now in a moderate control of his new powers, Graham felt he was ready. He was to become a registered hero in the city the very next day, but fate intervened. The Rikti attack came swiftly and without warning, and his beloved city was threatened to be extinguished. In the initial assault, Kevin tried to help in the fight, but his nascent powers and lack of skill in using them sealed his fate, or would have. Severely wounded, and about to die, he was shocked to see his "Gramma Graham" in full costume as Galaxy Girl, at his side. Her healing powers brought him back from death's door, but he was still too weak to fight. She smiled at him; her smile always had the power to warm anyone's heart and this was 
no exception. She whispered to him, "You and all of your generation of heroes are this city's future. Never forget that, Kevin". With that she flew off to help in the fight for the city, leaving Kevin in the care of the Paragon Heights Hospital. Little did Kevin know as he drifted into unconsciousness that it would be the last time he would see her.


When Kevin awoke, the Rikti War was over. His sister and parents were at his side, and broke the news to him of Galaxy Girl's valiant sacrifice to save Miss Liberty and scores of other heroes. The news devastated him, but now more than ever, he was proud to have been a part of her life. Galaxy Girl's was but one of many services in honor of Paragon City's fallen heroes. He attended that memorial, and was one of the people to give a heartfelt eulogy. It was at the service that the mayor announced both the erection of a beautiful statue in her honor, as well as the renaming of Paragon Heights to Galaxy City. His resolve now strengthened as he recalled her last words to him, he dubbed himself Ionic Burst and began his career as a hero... over the months as he defeated various villains, he came to meet a heroine called Neutrina, whom he fought alongside on many occasions. On June 17th 2005, Ionic Burst and Neutrina officially founded what would become one of the city's most respected supergroups, the Sentinels of Honor. Over the next year, he would make many friends and allies, and the ranks of the Sentinels would grow. The mayor of Paragon City has now officially recognized Ionic Burst as a "Hero of the City", the equal of any Freedom Phalanx member in the eyes of the city. Recently Kevin had visited Galaxy Girl's memorial statue, speaking aloud softly, "Well Gramma... I did it... I fought hard, and I'm still fighting... for you, and all whose lives you enriched... I miss you... but your sacrifice wasn't in vain... as long as I breathe, I'll make sure of that". 



Edited by DorkLord1978
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Have you fleshed out the creature / alien race beyone what's shown here in any of your related character lore?


I always like to see the strong tie-in to the Rikti War and iconic personae like Galaxy Girl.   It's something I'd often tried to do with my original characters- to some success and some failure.  The original (albiet vague) lore for the Midnighters vs their reintroduction required quite a bit of retconning of my main, Chase Arcanum, for example.   

For that matter, do you play your character as if that much time has passed?   I find both people that use "comic-book-style  time dilation" to compress timelines, so that the Rikti invasion isn't so far in the past,  and I've seen people tie time progression rater rigidly to the real world dates.    I think that's what mostly killed my effort to tie character stories so tightly to the world events- when I encounter strict date-keepers, its tough to reconcile those hard-set-dates with the slower character development of someone with little RP time.   I like to play heroes that are new to their powers/responsibilities and still muddling their way through the challenges of life as a hero and/or leading, and that doesn't mesh well with someone whose timeline should make them a 20+year hardened veteran.   

  On 2/1/2024 at 3:06 PM, chase said:

Have you fleshed out the creature / alien race beyone what's shown here in any of your related character lore?


I always like to see the strong tie-in to the Rikti War and iconic personae like Galaxy Girl.   It's something I'd often tried to do with my original characters- to some success and some failure.  The original (albiet vague) lore for the Midnighters vs their reintroduction required quite a bit of retconning of my main, Chase Arcanum, for example.   

For that matter, do you play your character as if that much time has passed?   I find both people that use "comic-book-style  time dilation" to compress timelines, so that the Rikti invasion isn't so far in the past,  and I've seen people tie time progression rater rigidly to the real world dates.    I think that's what mostly killed my effort to tie character stories so tightly to the world events- when I encounter strict date-keepers, its tough to reconcile those hard-set-dates with the slower character development of someone with little RP time.   I like to play heroes that are new to their powers/responsibilities and still muddling their way through the challenges of life as a hero and/or leading, and that doesn't mesh well with someone whose timeline should make them a 20+year hardened veteran.   



Hey there, chase.  Thanks for commenting!


I never have fleshed out the alien race that saved him or the creature that attacked him and his deceased girlfriend.  In my mind though they're like an intergalactic police force akin to the Nova Corps or Green Lantern Corps.  Like peacekeepers around the galaxy.  


I'm unsure of how long it had been since the original Rikti attacks that we took part in in the old game in lore.  Has it been 20+ years?  If so, then yes, he was there in the original raids.   I am a returning player from 2004-2010 and Ionic Burst was my very first level 50 character.  He still looks young because of the alien DNA, I suppose.  Right now I have the new version of him up to level 41 but he'll probably be my first Homecoming level 50 as well.  

  On 2/2/2024 at 2:06 AM, DorkLord1978 said:




I'm unsure of how long it had been since the original Rikti attacks that we took part in in the old game in lore.  Has it been 20+ years?  If so, then yes, he was there in the original raids.   I am a returning player from 2004-2010 and Ionic Burst was my very first level 50 character.  He still looks young because of the alien DNA, I suppose.  Right now I have the new version of him up to level 41 but he'll probably be my first Homecoming level 50 as well.  


Welcome home.    

I wouldn't worry too much about the time progression- in fact, I'd encourage you not to.     It does make a certain sense for things like "How long after the Rikti War did the events of Galaxy City (and the new tutorial) occur?   or...When did statesman die?" and some kind of consensus may be needed for consistent mutual storytelling. it may be hard for some to reconcile the storylines of a young adult "my parents met during the first rikti invasion" with a young adult "my parents died during the first rikti invasion" after all.    I'm far more into the "things work best when you don't dwell on the details." camp. 

It's the Comic Book norm, after all. The comics are full of characters that seem to jump from babies to teen versions that last for decades before entering vaguely-young-adult for decades to come... usually until some "old man X" comic is called for or once too many iterations of "teenage sidekicks" have grown up to keep ignoring it.  Then they're in the vague "very fit for their age" adult phase, without a grey hair... at least until an "old man X" version is required, where they're 70-90-10,000 years old.

I was just a little scarred by criticism from the "rigid progression of time" RP camp back in the day- to the point that many of my characters are not continuations of my original characters from back on live.   I retcon reimagine variants of the ones I RP.   My "parents died during the rikti war" characters are all now "died in a rikti raid" (presumably still legitimately ongoing) or far more loosely tied to the lore than they originally were.   That makes me always curious how others handle it.

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