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Let the mouse look slider go lower than 50%


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I don't know if this is just me, but 50% is still extremely sensitive. The value can be forced to go below 50% by editing the config file, so it seems like the slider should be able to go all the way down to zero.

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Actually, it looks like it can't be forced below 50% anymore? I know I had it set below 50%, but since the patch it doesn't seem to be working.


Edit: It does work, it's just finicky and sometimes requires a logout to take. Maybe it has to do with the new close button clamping the value, not sure.

Edited by nzer
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The slash command allows setting down to zero. I jusssst seeeettt miiiinnnne dowwwwnnnn toooooo poinnnnt onnne...


Assume it's persistent but haven't logged back in to check.


/mouse_look {0.0-10.0}


File edits are erratic about being accepted or being persistent, I've found.



Edited by Shenanigunner

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