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Shield / Axe Tank


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Hey folks


Been messing with this for about a week after "finishing" my Ice/Stone stalker. Basically got 3 characters on the go and trying to decide which to level (this, a Water/Trick Arrow Corruptor and an Arsenal / Elec Controller). Concept / costume wise this might be the winner ("What if the Clockwork King binge-watched Lord of the Rings one weekend?" : Grimli Gearsmasher was born). Plus holstered Axe with Page 7 looks excellent. 


I shamelessly nicked it from someone's Shield / Stone build further down in the forum and have been messing around. Really want to keep Fold Space, I don't have a Tank yet where I've managed to fit it in, so Hasten & Epic pool go bye bye (I remember from my Shield stalker how Shield is pretty much "Take everything", even OWTS is handy given the 70% s/l/e/n resists to stack off) but since Shield needs Active Defence on autocast not to cut up about losing Hasten. Slightly worried AD won't be perma double stacked for the DDR but hey. I also remember how thirsty Shield is from my Stalker so tried to cover it. 


Feedback welcome. 



Tanker (Shield - Battle Axe).mbd

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