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Invuln/Staff vs Shield/Fire


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I am trying to get some feedback on my invuln/staff build. I decided it was time to revisit this and commit to this particular version of my tanker after playing with a few other options. My shields build, which I love and would be happy with, was just too close to my scrapper who is also shields. When I put them side by side, the staff build just looks weaker, and I feel like my resists should be higher. In actual gameplay they might be, thanks to the bonus resist from staff and the tanker ATO, but not without some wind-up. Not sure what I might be missing.


As a bonus, I've noticed that the tooltip for Sky Splitter in game is completely broken. I think it's broken in Mids, too. The actual damage per cast should be closer to double that of Precise Strike, and then the Perfection 3 bonus damage on top of that.

Aladriel - Tanker (Invulnerability - Staff Fighting).mbd Why am I not playing this - Tanker (Shield Defense - Fiery Melee).mbd

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  • Split up Superior Gauntleted Fist into two sets of 3 pieces to double up the 6% E/N resist bonus. 
  • Swap LOTG for Shield Wall in Invincibility, Weave and Maneuvers. You get 4.5% E/N resist each with 4 pieces.
  • Add 6th slot to Temp Invul for 5.25% F/C resist.

These tweaks should take you to 74% F/C and 72% E/N resist.


I like having both Guarded Spin and Innocuous Strikes for the added AoE damage. I can cycle those two indefinitely and insert Eye of the Storm when the bonus is up. Staff's ST damage is pretty anemic.

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That evens out the defenses a bit, too. My resist numbers aren't quite coming out the same as yours, but they're enough better I feel like this should be sturdier. With the ATO and staff bonus I should be capping E/N and coming up to 85% F/C. I can live with the recharge loss in exchange for that!


To pick up Innocuous I swapped Physical Perfection. I took out the kismet and gaussian's proc to get the slots. With tactics and invincibility, they were cute but overkill. Innocuous and Precise Strike feel under slotted at 4 slots each so I just found some level 50 IOs to use for the extra enhancement bonus. I had Innocuous Strikes in the original build as I was leveling and I do miss it. What the set does well is AoE, so I may as well lean into that strength.


ST is poor, but I suspect it's not as poor as people think. Sky Splitter's big problem is that it's slow and the damage lands in 3 pieces. If the target dies from the first hit you don't even see the second two. I think it just needs to be faster. Same damage, just speed up the animation a bit. 

Aladriel - Tanker Uun's tweaks(Invulnerability - Staff Fighting).mbd

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I'm going to have to redo the order I take the powers. I ran Synapse this afternoon and really missed having taunt for pulling everything together. We'll see! The damage is sad times, and I say that lovingly.

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