Herah Posted April 22, 2024 Posted April 22, 2024 Have you ever wondered what the Hami was all about but didn't know where to ask? Wonder no more. I'll give you the lowdown on how the Hami raids run on Torchbearer. This page will serve as explanation for the normal Hami raids and the Hamicide raids. First off, you'll need to get to The Hive. The hazard door is very close to the base portal/Woodsman in Eden. If you need an exploration badge, there is one at the base of a nearby waterfall. The Hive itself has exploration badges, but is not included in your long range teleport or base teleport options. You have to arrive via Eden. The Hive (and Abyss) are capped zones w/ a max of 50 players per instance. As it is a limited population zone, multi-boxing is against Homecoming's Code of Conduct. The only rare instances when we ignore this in the event that run goes sideways and we need to open a second instance. 50 players in the zone will spawn Hive 2. The league itself can hold 48 players, so if we can't add you to the league, you can still fight alongside when we get into the soup. Generally all of the instructions go out in the REQUEST channel so everyone in the zone knows what's going on. The Hive zone is level 45+. Arriving in the Zone. Once you arrive in the Hive you'll want to head to the Safe Rock. This is typically where the league forms up and also the launching pad before each run. You can ask for an invite in broadcast (/b) See images below. Fighting the GMs We have designated teleporters for the raid. One to take us to the walls and another to bring us back to the Safe Rock. If you're wondering, we are using Incandescence Invocation, which is a league-wide teleport and an incarnate power in your Destiny slot. We're always open to volunteers for this role. Once the raid gets started we will head to one of the "walls" to start taking down GMs. The purpose is twofold. 1. To get EoEs. (Essence of the Earth) These are used during the run itself to prevent/mitigate Hami damage during the run. It also helps to prevent damage and debuffs from coursing it's way throughout the entire league. 2. To spawn Hami itself. A couple of things about this process. You'll want to make sure that you have room in your inspiration tray for these to drop. Also you can open the Auction House in the zone itself, so you can store extras in there and also buy them off the AH as needed. We also ask that you not attack GMs early or drag them to the Safe Rock while we're forming. Killing any GMs gives an opportunity to spawn Hami, likely before we are ready. Also, while we're forming up some folks may be afk, so we don't want any premature debt. If any happen to make their way to the rock, please don't attack. Let our tanks grab aggro to pull them away. The run itself Once Hami has spawned, we will return to the Safe Rock to begin the raid. The league has several different roles w/in the raid itself. Before the run commences, we will lay down any buffs before the tank jumps in. We will have a designated tank who will stand on the ground during the raid in order to taunt Hami and keep their attention focused away from everyone else. As the tanks aggro and taunt, they will take a lot of splash damage. Anyone hanging out on the ground by the tank is liable to go flying, pets included. Just FYI. There will be a designated lead for each Mito type. Torchbearer runs the Hami raids in a counter clockwise (anti-clockwise) fashion. Melee lead and melee attackers will go after the Yellow Mitos. (Mitochondria Antibodies) Only melee attacks should be used. Generally kins are not helpful with these as Transference and Transfusion will not land successfully. Twilight Grasp as a ranged heal will not be helpful. Empathy heals are useful to follow with the melee team. Ranged lead and ranged attackers will go after Blue Mitos. (Mitochondria Electrolytes) Only ranged attacks should be used. Kins are likewise not helpful with heals here as the ranged team generally stays at a distance. Dark heals are helpful though. Holds lead and team will go after Green Mitos. (Mending Mitochondria) The holds team will use holds to freeze the Green Mitos to prevent them from healing and buffing the other Mitos in the run. Along with the holds team, everyone else will catch up to take down the rest of the Green Mitos before the final attack. Healers are not assigned to a specific team or role, but go where they are needed during the run. Whether to heal individual players or teams. It's also easier for the healers if you stay inside the bubble, if you hop outside of this likely you're on your own. Masterminds, Arachnos characters, and squids will be placed on teams where it is assumed they belong. If you are using melee attacks rather than ranged, please follow the appropriate lead. Once all of the Mitos are down, the league will attack Hami itself. Additional buffs may be given. Pets are brought out, including Lore pets (incarnate pets). Once Hami is defeated you have 3 reward options to choose from. 4 Empyrean Merits, Hamidon Origin enhancement, or Reward Merits. You can take Emp Merits essentially once per day per character, same from Hami O's. Reward Merits are 80 for the first time and 40 each time after. This is also per character per day. (Emp merits are useful in building up your incarnate powers.) Each raid consists of 3-4 runs per raid (depending on how fast Hami is that day). Variations on this theme. Hamicide On a Hamicide raid, the sequence of events if different. The 1st and 3rd run will be 'Zerg' rushes. What this means is that we will drop all Lore pets (and normal pets) at the Safe Rock. Buffs will be given, including specific buffs to the tank and league leader. After they jump into Hami, the league will hit an EoE, accuracy, and damage inspirations before everyone is teleported directly to the base of Hami, bypassing the normal run entirely, only attacking Hami. During 'Zerg' runs DPS and kins are most desirable. Old School or Leeloo runs These happen for several reasons, but the mechanism is the same. In either case, the league will take down all Mitos like in normal raid fashion. We will then drop down and take Hami to 75% health. Once all of the Mitos spawn a second time, we go back to attacking Mitos again. Once the Mitos are cleared a second time, Hami is taken down. During a Hamicide raid, this is the 2nd run and the purpose is to allow Lore Pets to recycle for the final 'Zerg' run. During regular raids, this may be opted for if there is not enough overall damage to take down Hami normally. (Lore pets might be used) If the Mitos are taken out twice, and things go sideways, will likely end up with a Mito double bloom vs a triple bloom. Hami Etiquette We ask for a few considerations during the raids. Volunteers for all roles are appreciated, even league leaders. We've managed to keep the two raids going back to back for a couple years now, but it always helps to have back-up folks when they are needed. Running a league is a little steep to learn at first, then it becomes old hand. If you find yourself at the head of a team and don't want to potentially be in charge, promote someone else to team lead. (Unfortunately the league leader cannot do this.) We love having new folks to the raid. We might seems like pros, but we're all just goofballs. Feel free to ask questions. Someone is bound to know the answer. We usually have spare EoEs to pass around if someone needs a few starter ones to get going. Be nice. We do not tolerate bullying or picking on any particular person or group. We joke and kid around a lot. Sometimes the humor is of an adult nature, so be mindful of this when kids are joining the raid. With that being said, please refrain from saying anything explicit in nature. And again, no hotbed topics. Ya know politics, religion, who has the best build, and who's vying for my "most dead" title. If you need to go AFK, please let someone know or toss it out in league chat. We asking for active participation during the raid, otherwise we will give your spot to someone that is playing. Also, if you get added to the raid, but can't make it into the zone because we've capped out, we will likely give your spot away. It's nothing personal, but if someone is already in the zone, it just makes sense. We try not to show favoritism and generally spots are first come, first served. Also, alt at your own risk between runs. We have designated teleporters. You may turn on your Prompt Team Teleport under options or leave it off. You daredevil you. We ask that you refrain from using Dimension Shift in the Hive. Spoiler Yes there is a history there. No I won't go into it. Please don't ask. Thanks for reading and see you in The Hive. 2 1 Torchbearer Temporary Hero-ing: Experts in - Soil Analysis, Hamidon & Hive Viscera Clean-up, Mayhem Motel Menacing, Advertising Aficionados, Undertaking, Undertaken, and........ Spoiler The Spanish Inquisition!!!
Xaddy Posted May 7, 2024 Posted May 7, 2024 On 4/21/2024 at 9:41 PM, Herah said: The Hive itself has exploration badges, but is not included in your long range teleport or base teleport options. A fine post - but Eden is indeed one of your options for your SG base, as well as your long range teleport, provided you have the beacon installed in your base, (which you might not see if you're full villain) and have it unlocked on your LRTP by getting at least one badge there, assuming you already have the lrtp unlocked. Hopefully, this tidbit makes it easier for some folks to get there (early/on time).
Zombie Fryer Posted May 9, 2024 Posted May 9, 2024 Green Team Best Team!™ 2 Instagram: @wordupitsmike @zflikesnachos | Discord: zombilicious#2524 | Costume Wishlist: Hats for monstrous heads, Denim overalls
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