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Help with Nin/Dark build


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This is my first time making a build but I do have a long history of disassembling and reassembling other peoples builds. I feel that I am ready to start trying to make my own. My attempt is at a Nin/Dark and any tips, tricks, or help is wanted. Thanks!




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  • 3 weeks later

Few things:

Stalker's Guile is best in Assassin's Blade. This will give the following attack a good chance to crit. AB will already have a good crit chance thanks to stacks of Asassin's Focus.

The build is missing the Reactive Defense +res unique. 

Do you plan to continuously use Ageless? If you do, Physical Perfection and Superior Conditioning can probably be skipped.

Do you have an attack chain? If Divine Avalanche is going to be used frequently, maybe scale back on the S/L/Melee defense since Divine's +def bonus will stack with itself. Divine is a good mule for a LotG +7.5% if needed.

I do recommend Soaring Dragon. It's one of NB's better attacks and is ideal to use after AB to try to get it to crit.

Achilles' Heel -res debuff is usually a dps increase when slotted in an attack.


If you want to chase F/C res, try splitting the slotting in Flashing Steel with three Avalanche and three Superior Avalanche. This will provide +9% F/C res, +25% res rech/movement and +15% mez res. But the IOs that provide the same stats between the normal and superior versions can't be slotted if you know what I mean.

Mids' makes Hasten look perma on your build but Ageless has diminishing return over time (Mids' shows Ageless at full strength when clicked on). Hasten's 118sec recharge time will actually be longer.

Even if you make no changes, your build will perform well. I love the stats you got. Good job!

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