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Halloween Madness


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By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.....


Ghosts, goblins and witches that go bump in the night, we return to Mayhem Motel in search of a fright.

Warwolves, vampyri, and zombies out in full view, may bring out new costumes and salvage for you.

Banners and Rikti and Zombies, what fun, we'll continue the mayhem 'til the dawning of the sun.


It is that time of year again folks. You guessed it! Time for the morgue, mayhem, and tooth decay. October means Trick or Treating and that means ToT league. I'm keeping this message mostly housekeeping this year, so if you desire more in depth information, please look at last year's post in this sub. Now on to the *terms and conditions apply.


Please remember that ToT league is entirely a player led event. If you cannot be civil and gracious, please do not participate with us. We try our best, we try to be fair, and we're here to have a good time. If we're not having fun, then we're done.


We also have some new ToT leaders staffing the check-in desk this year. They aren't new to leading leagues or even to Trick or Treating but be sure to thank the folks helping out. Without them this event would only run a couple hours a day as we lead them. Please extend to them the same courtesy and kindness you've shown us in years past and we will do the same for you.


Community requests:

  • Please be kind and patient with league leaders. Some folks that are in charge of the league might be old hand and some may be in process of getting their training wheels off. Running the league, managing zone events, adding/removing 47 players is a challenge. It's the Golden Rule for a reason, treat others as you wish to be treated.
  • Homecoming continues to add new players all of the time. Not everyone is familiar, or has ever participated, with the ToT league. We try our best to explain but we never turn down an outstanding hero or villain willing to help explain or show someone the ropes. Also, don't be afraid to ask, Torchbearer is a friendly shard w/ lots of knowledgeable players.
  • When you're out on Monkey Island, make sure to throw down some AOE attacks or Ion Judgement for bonus monkeys towards your Zoo Keeper badge. 1000 Rikti monkeys. That's a lot of monkeys!
  • We do ask for league leads (lvl 50) to swap out or rotate. It's nice for all of us to run new toons thru the event. If you wanna learn the ropes, just ask us. We'll gladly you show you how. The more people that know how to run the ToT league keeps the party going nonstop. We are always in need of level 50 players to be a team anchor. Your only job to to promote a level 50 to your place when you leave.
  • For those allowing younger children to join the event, just a reminder that there is a profanity filter you can enable. The conversation w/in the league can get beyond what may be considered acceptable for younger players, but we do ask for the conversation to try remain somewhat PG friendly. Conversations in other chat channels should follow Homecoming's CoC.
    • Speaking of which, please be familiar of Homecoming's CoC regarding prohibited content, paying special attention to controversial content topics.



General requests from Mayhem Motel :

  • The morgue (hospital) is conveniently located across the street from Mayhem Motel for ease of resurrection. You can head there to sell off salvage, recipes, and enhancements to the nurse.
  • Players waiting to check into Mayhem Motel are asked to be patient. When the league takes off, it gets full quickly. Players are generally added in the order requested. Please request this in local or broadcast as private tells easily get missed. Spots will only be held if asked for and the new player name is provided. No one is being purposely overlooked, unless you happen to be on someone's global ignore. Can't help you on that one.
  • Players currently lodging at Mayhem Motel are requested to have one party per room. Multiboxing is discouraged when the league is full (except under specific circumstances). Also please refer to Homecoming's CoC specific policy regarding multiboxing.
  • Management pursues all events as they happen, generally speaking. If we do not, it's mainly d/t league lead's unfamiliarity with how we typically play out a particular event or not enough numbers. Banners (Deadly Apocalypse) will require 4-5 players with Incandescence Invocation to move the league to the right locations. If we don't have enough, there is no guarantee this will be pursued.
  • Zombie Apocalypse or Rikiti invasions will make liberal use of Incandescence Invocation. Typically these invasions happen in the parking lot in front of Portal Corp. Management understands that the practice of 'Incan in Place' is annoying, however this keeps aggro and spawn rates high, but also to keep the invaders away from the drones. (Teleport prompt can be placed if you want, but the more people that move with each TP, the better this works.) Please don't tell us how that's not how this works, we've been at this for several years.
  • Management encourages the use of complimentary holiday costumes provided the city of Paragon while ToTing in order to be gifted with Whispered Rumors tips. You may feel free to drop and pursue this independently or with a team, but players will be subject to waiting in turn to rejoin the league. Having a Tip Team within the league is too problematic for the league play in general and will not be offered.
  • The XP bug lovingly continues to be an ongoing 'feature'. If your XP seems low, ask to be moved to a different team (if space), or ask to drop and get re-invited. 
  • If you have the You Cannot Enter box open on your screen it can prevent you from seeing the teleport prompt screen (if enabled). You can turn off TP prompt if you like to make sure you don't miss out on any of the 'fun'.
  • If you need to be AFK briefly please let management know. Prolonged or frequent AFK will be kicked to make room for active players. This is a long standing precedent w/ our league and will be enforced.
  • Many of our Trick or Treaters are repeat customers. We ask that our regulars take at least first level Incandescence Invocation (Destiny Incarnate power) which is only 60 incarnate threads. We're always in need of a GM scout or Motel anchor to move the league around, in addition to the need for multiples for banner events. You have the threads, don't make this awkward.
  • We might try our hand at running this on Red Side again. So look for any mentions for Grandville in the coming month.


All regularly scheduled events will run as usual unless otherwise noted by those leading said events. This includes Hamidon raids, iMSR, Saturday Night Synapse, Tanker Tuesdays, and iTrials. As always, newcomers are encouraged to attend any and all long standing shard events.


Lastly, Paragon PD, the zone of Peregrine Island, and Paragon City council have given up on shutting down the event, but we don't need to rub their noses in it. Please make sure to properly dispose of all trash, litter, body parts, and corpses in the appropriate receptacles. Recycling is also acceptable and encouraged. *Looking at you Dr. Kane.


Mayhem Motel-We'll leave the fright on for ya!

Owner/Operator: Dr. Feel-good

PR/General Nuisance: Tots

Managers on Duty: bigwheelacapella, Xbela, Turnabout, Tantalum, Anyad, Kalikamata, and more...

Assistant Managers: Now hiring 



* It's been 330 days since our last Halloween casualty.

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Torchbearer Temporary Hero-ing:

Experts in - Soil Analysis, Hamidon & Hive Viscera Clean-up, Mayhem Motel Menacing, Advertising Aficionados, Undertaking, Undertaken, and........


The Spanish Inquisition!!!

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Greetings and salutations.

I would like to book a reservation for 6 please.

I'll try my best to keep the fur off the carpet but uh... no promises.

Also, I humbly request fresh nachos for the breakfast, lunch and dinner menu.

... why are you calling security? 

*gets carted away*


  • Haha 1


Instagram: @wordupitsmike @zflikesnachos | Discord: zombilicious#2524 | Costume Wishlist: Hats for monstrous heads, Denim overalls
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My favorite time of year has come again. The squeak of the doors. The roar of 100's of powers going off all at once. The cry's of monsters as they are defeated. The cheers of the people of peregrine island and Grandville calling our names. The time has come once again to fight the minions of darkness in the name of justice and all that is good and right.


Have a knock on our doors. Will you be given a tasty treat or a ferocious fight? Test your luck and find out.

I look forward to guiding the league to many victories against the evil that plagues our doors and streets.


Stay safe out there friends.

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