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Anyone have a good MM Bots/FF build with up to date powers? I'm horrible at making my own builds and the ones I've found, even just a year old, don't work. The powers don't exist anymore or similar issues.


This is a very DPS oriented build, but has a softcap to positionals (with protector bot buffs) and resists to support it. Relies on Ageless for endurance management, but you won't need it until you start spamming Thunder Strike anyway.


The idea is you Fold Space -> Procced Force Bomb -> Electrifying Fences -> Procced Thunder Strike

This applies a lot of damage and -res on the whole pack, while immobilizing it and giving you Force Feedback Recharge twice to get the combo back up sooner. The build also utilizes Weaken Resolve for more -res on bosses so your robots can take them down faster, meaning you have all 3 -res procs well utilized.

Mastermind (Robotics - Force Field) v2.mbdFetching info...

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