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  • Proton Sweep is a cone (and a narrow/short one at that). Unless you're regularly able to hit multiple foes with it, you would be better served using Radioactive Smash, which has better DPA. Proton Sweep isn't a great choice for procs due to its short recharge. Even with no recharge slotted, each proc only has a 45% chance to fire.
  • You don't seem to understand how the Critical Strikes proc works. It increases your critical hit chance by 50% for 3.25s after you use the power it's slotted in. The increased chance applies to the next attack you use, which in your case would appear to be Proton Sweep. 
  • Why aren't you slotting Kinetic Shield? It's your primary S/L defense.
  • Irradiated Ground should be slotted with a set with more end red and less recharge (i.e., Scirocco's Dervish). The recharge is wasted on a toggle.
  • Energy Cloak needs end red.
  • Energy Drain is primarily an endurance management power and should be slotted with an End Mod set. The defense is largely incidental. Even with 6 foes in range, it only provides 3.0% defense (about 4.8% as slotted). Move the entire Reactive Defenses set to Kinetic Shield.
  • Overload is overslotted. If your build is properly slotted, you won't need it against most foes. It's only useful for Psi, Tx, and to a lesser extend Ne damage, plus for additional DDR.
  • Hibernate and Summon Guardian are largely wasted picks. You would be better off with Tough and Weave.
  • bentlax33 changed the title to Stupid question

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