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Hello, I pulled my Grav/Kin Controller out of mothballs. Trying to put together a build and would welcome input. I'm not much of a builder.


Must haves: Hover, Fly, Propel, Lift

Playstyle: Lots of hover blasting with propel (my fav ability).  A rounded playstyle for both soloing and grouping. When in a group, hover in and out of melee for transfusion/transference. Singularity is my bestest friend. Not a big fan of wormhole style, but I want to keep the ability because its so iconic. I chose Focused Accuracy over tactics because I thought it was better for my hit rate, but I could be wrong. I chose Stealth because I thought it was good for soloing and I couldn't think of anything else.



Controller (Gravity Control - Kinetics) DRAFT.mbd

  • You've got the yellow dot turned on in Focused Accuracy, which activates the %BU proc. You want to deactivate that in Mid's to get a better picture of your global accuracy. Also keep in mind that FA won't be available below lvl 42, which would be a concern if you intend to exemp. Since you're 6-slotting Gaussian's (including the %BU proc), you would be better served with Tactics, since the proc has a chance to fire for everyone affected by it.
  • Transfusion requires a tohit check. You have enough global accuracy with FA up, but you won't below lvl 42. I typically slot Transfusion with Touch of the Nictus.
  • Propel and Wormhole need kb>kd IOs.
  • You skip the Steadfast Protection and Gladiator's Armor +def uniques. Both of these can be slotted in Increase Density or Tough.

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