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Hello all, my name is Pogoman, host of Paragon Radio. For over the past month you've seen my weekly posts about our show Friday nights and probably going "oh, great, here he goes again!"

Well, this time, this post involves all of YOU! Normally on our show we report updates on the upcoming successor games, if any, and weekly updates on the existing superhero  MMORPG's. However, I'd like to provide more services to th COH community by announcing more news. Such as upcoming CC's, SG/VG recruitments, etc. However I do NOT have a crystal ball/a gazillion monitors to see what's going on 24/7. Sorry, I wish I did. SO.. this is where YOU come in. If your group is hosting an upcoming event or is recruiting, etc. and would like some FREE on-air promotions/advertising/etc. Just PM here on the forums with all the important info OR a link if you posted one on the forums and I will read it on air FREE of charge! NO STRINGS attached. Just remember, our shows normally air Friday nights 9-10:30pm Eastern time so take that into account of when your event happens to get the word out of your event.

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon!

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