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Refound this in my files. An old suggestion (like september 2008 old) for a elemental summoning MM powerset. Presented for you all's enjoyment.



On the Binding of Elements and Instilling of Life.


AKA, Elementals with a twist.


Mastermind Primary: Elementals


T1 L1: Ice Bolt - Ranged, Minor Damage(Cold/Smashing) Foe -Recharge, -Speed

Copy of the Ice Blast power, rebalanced for MM use.


T2 L1: Summon Fire Elemental - Summons 1-3 Imps, Superior Damage(Fire)

60s Recharge. Fire Elementals are pure DPS machines.


Minion: Imp

Fragile, but a solid source of ST DPS, especially in numbers. Monkey skeleton.


-Flare Ranged, Minor Damage(Fire), Recharge: Very Fast

Looks like Fire Blast, fast as Flares.

-Fire Smash Melee, Moderate Damage (Fire/Smash), Recharge: Very Fast

Standard fire monkey slapping attack. Might benefit from alternating hands.

-Resistance self +res(Fire), -res(Cold), -hp, -damage(fire/smash)

Fire Elementals are resistant to fire, vulnerable to cold, have less HP than other henchmen their rank and level. They have a innate -50% damage debuff. Since it makes their base damage double their starting, damage buffs are effectively twice as strong.

AI: Prefer Melee. Uses both attacks up close, aided by their quick recharge.


T3 L2: Fire Blast - Ranged, Moderate Damage(Fire)

Copy of the Fire Blast power, rebalanced for MM use.


T4 L6: Elemental Melding - Summons 1-2 Greater Elementals

Use on Imp, it is destroyed and your other nearby Imps become Mephits. Mephit inherits all of Imp's buffs. 90s recharge.


Level 6: Second Imp

Imps spawn at -1. Two Imps may be melded into a Mephit. Imps cannot be resummoned while the Mephit is alive.


Lieutenant: Mephit

Still fragile, still a great source of DPS, both ST and AoE. Can outdamage any pre-32 Lt pet, but offers no utility. Female skeleton.


-Flares - Ranged, Minor Damage(Fire)

-Fire Blast - Ranged, Moderate Damage(Fire)

-Fire Ball - Ranged(Targeted AoE), Moderate Damage(Fire/Smashing)

-Fire Breath - Ranged(Cone), Moderate DoT(Fire)

Taken from Fire Blast.

-Combustion - PBAoE, Moderate DoT(Fire)

Taken from Fire Melee.

-Fire Claw - Melee, Moderate Damage(Fire)

Similar to the Succubi Blackclaw, animates and recharges quickly while dealing solid damage. This is a Mephit's best source of ST DPS.

-Resistance self +res(Fire), -res(Cold), -hp, -damage(fire/smash)

Fire Elementals are resistant to fire, vulnerable to cold, have less HP than other henchmen their rank and level. They have a innate -50% damage debuff. Since it makes their base damage double their starting, damage buffs are effectively twice as strong.

AI: Prefer Range. A Mephit will use her AoE attacks first, using Flares and Fire Blast if they're not up. Pack EndRdx. If in melee, she will use Fire Claw whenever it's up, then Combustion, then Fire Ball. Other attacks used as filler.


T5 L8: Static Discharge - Ranged(Cone), Moderate Damage(Energy), -Endurance

Copy of the Electrical Mastery power, unbalanced for MM use.


T6 L12: Summon Storm Elemental - Summons 1-3 Sparks, Minor Damage(Energy), -Endurance, -Recovery, -Regen, Ally +Recovery, +Regen, +Recharge

60s recharge. Storm Elementals support the Mastermind and their team. They are all immaterial and can be walked through.


Minion: Spark

A small flying buff/debuff machine. They aren't strong individually but stack all three and you see some changes. Voltaic Sentinel (lack of) skeleton.


-Charged Bolts - Ranged, Minor Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance

Spark's only attack. Quick but weak. Doesn't root at all.

-Static Field - Passive, 8ft PBAoE, foe -regen -recovery

Debuffs enemies near to the Spark.

-Galvanizing Field - Passive, 8ft PBAoE, ally +regen, +recovery, +rech

Buffs allies near to the Spark.

-Resistance self +res(Energy, Smashing), -res(Negative), +Fly

Storm Elementals are resistant to energy and smashing, vulnerable to negative energy, and can fly.

AI: Prefer Range. Engage targets of opportunity. If target moves out of range or out of LoS, lose aggro. Only chase after targets if Attack or Aggressive.


Level 16: Third Imp

Imps spawn at -2. Mephits spawn at -1. One Imp may be summoned while one Mephit is alive. Imp and Mephit may be melded into two Mephits. Three Imps may be melded into two Mephits.


T7 L18: Summon Ice Elemental - Summons 1-3 Verglases, Moderate Damage(Smash/Cold), Taunt, Foe -Speed -Rech

60s recharge. Ice Elementals deal considerably less damage than Fire Elementals, but are the most capable of attracting and surviving enemy attention. They are all a combination of Water and Earth elements.


Minion: Verglas

A sturdy creation of ice and stone, meant to function as part fighter, part meatshield. Male skeleton.


-Gauntlet - Self +Taunt

Both Verglas attacks have a Brutelike single target taunt effect.

-Ice Bolt - Ranged, Minor Damage(Cold/Smashing) Foe -Recharge, -Speed, +Taunt

Copied from Ice Blast, with single target taunt component.

-Frozen Fists - Melee, Moderate Damage (Cold/Smash), Foe: -Recharge -Speed, +Taunt

Copied from Ice Melee, with single target taunt component.

-Resistance self +res(All), +res(-rech), +prot(Mez, KB), +HP

Ice Elementals are resistant to all damage, most to Smashing, Lethal and Cold, and least to Fire. They also resist recharge slow, knockback and mezzing effects. They have more HP than a henchman their rank and level.

AI: Prefer Melee. Ice Elementals aggro on those who attack their summoner or their fellow Elementals.


Level 20: Second Spark

Sparks spawn at -1. Two Sparks may be melded into a Bolt. Sparks cannot be resummoned while the Bolt is alive.

Melding Bolts causes any Mephits to be dismissed. Melding Mephits causes any Bolts to be dismissed.


Lieutenant: Bolt

A bigger flying buff/debuff machine. Their buff/debuff is about as strong as two Sparks. Voltaic Sentinel (lack of) skeleton.


-Lightning - Ranged, 5' Targetted AoE, Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, KB

Similar to the attack of a Lightning Storm. The damage is decent, the AoE is small but there, the knockback is there to keep enemies on their backs. Roots briefly.

-Shocking Grasp - Melee (5ft), Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe Hold, -Endurance

Closer than melee range hold with low damage.

-Touch of the Storm - Ranged Ally Heal, +end

Decent, moderate recharge heal that also restores a small chunk of Endurance. Target is struck by bolt of lightning that crackles around them before the actual heal lands (2-3 seconds).

-Static Field - Passive, 15ft PBAoE, foe -regen -recovery

Debuffs enemies in the vicinity of the Bolt.

-Galvanizing Field - Passive, 15ft PBAoE, ally +regen, +recovery, +rech

Buffs allies in the vicinity of the Bolt.

-Resistance self +res(Energy, Smashing), -res(Negative), +Fly

Storm Elementals are resistant to energy and smashing, vulnerable to negative energy, and can fly.

AI: Prefer Range. Engage targets of opportunity. Uses Shocking Grasp whenever possible but doesn't go out of its way to. Uses Touch of the Storm on teammates as well. If target moves out of range or out of LoS, lose aggro. Only chase after targets if Attack or Aggressive.


T8 L26: Unchain Elemental - Sacrifice Henchman PBAoE Special, self -Special

300s recharge. Sacrifices a Elemental to unleash a elemental explosion. Unchaining a Elemental makes you unable to summon, meld or purify for a short time.


Effects of Unchaining

Unchaining gives the Elemental a new power that it immediatelly uses, just like /Traps/Detonator. It also locks down the Mastermind's summoning and upgrading powers for a time. Unlike Detonator, it uses the henchman's buffs.

-Imp: Immolation - 10s lockdown; 8ft PBAoE, High Damage(Fire)

The Imp goes kaboom.

-Mephit: Incineration - 20s lockdown; 15ft PBAoE, Superior Damage(Fire)

The Mephit goes kaboom.

-Spark: Pulse - 10s lockdown; 8ft PBAoE, Foe Sleep, -regen, -recovery, Special vs. Robots

Mini-EM Pulse.

-Bolt: Shutdown - 20s lockdown; 15ft PBAoE, Foe Stun, -regen, -recovery, Special vs. Robots

Not-so-Mini-EM Pulse.

-Verglas: Cryopulse - 10s lockdown; 8ft PBAoE, Foe Immob, -Recharge, -Speed

Looks like Ice Control/Glacier, but smaller. Immob and debuffs last a while.


Level 26: Second Verglas

Verglases spawn at -1. Two Verglases may be melded into a Iceberg. Verglases cannot be resummoned while the Iceberg is alive.

Melding Icebergs causes any Mephits or Bolts to be dismissed. Melding Mephits or Bolts causes any Icebergs to be dismissed.


Lieutenant: Iceberg

Bigger, meaner, colder version of a Verglas. Also better resists. Huge skeleton.


-Gauntlet - Self +Taunt

All Iceberg attacks have a Brutelike single target taunt effect.

-Ice Blast - Ranged, Moderate Damage(Cold/Smashing) Foe -Recharge, -Speed, +Taunt

Taken from Ice Blast.

-Bitter Ice Blast - Ranged, High Damage(Cold/Smashing) Foe -Recharge, -Speed, +Taunt

Taken from Ice Blast, damage reduced.

-Ice Punch - Melee, Moderate Damage(Cold/Smashing) Foe -Recharge, -Speed

Quick, quick recharging, solid damage attack. Appearance similar to Stone Fist, but icey.

-Frost - Cone, Moderate DoT (Cold) Foe: -Recharge -Speed

-Ice Patch - Location (PBAoE), Foe: +Knockdown

Taken from Ice Melee.

-Heat Drain - Auto PBAoE Foe -Recharge, -Damage, -Speed, +Taunt, Self +regen

Combination of Chilling Embrace and Rise to the Challenge.

-Resistance self +res(All), +res(-rech), +prot(Mez, KB), +HP

Ice Elementals are resistant to all damage, most to Smashing, Lethal and Cold, and least to Fire. They also resist recharge slow, knockback and mezzing effects. They have more HP than a henchman their rank and level.

-Unchaining: Cryoblast - 20s lockdown; 15ft PBAoE, Foe Immob, Sleep, -Recharge, -Speed

Bigger, with a added sleep. Immob and strong debuff last long.

AI: Prefer Melee. Unload ranged attacks, charge in to fight. Spam Ice Patch happily. Ice Elementals aggro on those who attack their summoner or their fellow Elementals.


Level 28: Third Spark

Sparks spawn at -2. Bolts spawn at -1. One Spark may be summoned while one Bolt is alive. Spark and Bolt may be melded into two Bolts. Three Sparks may be melded into two Bolts.


T9 L32: Elemental Purification - Summons Superior Elemental

Use on Imp, it becomes a Fiend and your other Imps are destroyed. Use on Mephit, it becomes a Fiend and your other Mephit is destroyed. Purifying fails if less than three Imps or less than two Mephits are alive. Purifying a Fiend dismisses your Vortex. Imps cannot be summoned while a Fiend is alive. Fiend inherits all of target Imp's/Mephit's buffs.

Use on Spark, it becomes a Vortex and your other Sparks are destroyed. Use on Bolt, it becomes a Vortex and your other Bolt is destroyed. Purifying fails if less than three Sparks or less than two Bolts are alive. Purifying a Vortex dismisses your Fiend. Sparks cannot be summoned while a Vortex is alive. Vortex inherits all of target Spark's/Bolt's buffs.

120s recharge.


Boss: Fiend

He's big. He's made of fire and magma. The hot air wavers around him. And he deals truly insane damage. Which is a good thing, considering that's pretty much the only thing he does. At range, he isn't all that much better than the two Mephits he replaces. But once he gets up close... Huge skeleton.


-Fire Blast - Ranged, Moderate Damage(Fire)

-Fire Ball - Ranged(Targeted AoE), Moderate Damage(Fire/Smashing)

-Fire Breath - Ranged(Cone), Moderate DoT(Fire)

-Blaze - Ranged, High Damage(Fire)

Taken from Fire Blast.

-Fiery Smash - Melee, High Damage(Smash/Fire)

Quick recharging but hard hitting smashing/fire punch with Fire DoT. Resembles Punch.

-Magma Slam - Melee, Superior Damage(Smash/Fire)

Less fast, more powerful. Haymaker on fire.

-Burning Swipe - Melee(Cone), High Damage(Smash/Fire)

A wide swipe of the Fiend's arm that can catch a few targets and deal Fire Smash level damage. Smite animation.

-Volcanic Strike - 15ft PBAoE, Superior Damage(Smash/Fire), KD.

The reason for the Fiend's existence. Take Footstomp. Then set it on fire. Leaves a fiery crater in the blasted earth every time it's used. Frightening damage. Roughly 50% chance off KnockDown.

-Searing Heat - Auto 8ft PBAoE, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe -Res(Smashing, Lethal, Fire), Foe +Res(Cold)

The heat near a Fiend is unbearable. Nearby opponents take damage and are more susceptible to fire and physical damage.

-Resistance self +res(Fire), -res(Cold), -hp, -damage(fire/smash)

Fire Elementals are resistant to fire, vulnerable to cold, have less HP than other henchmen their rank and level. They have a innate -50% damage debuff. Since it makes their base damage double their starting, damage buffs are effectively twice as strong.

-Unchaining: Conflagration - 30s lockdown; 25ft PBAoE, Extreme Damage(Fire)

The Fiend goes kaBOOM.

AI: Prefer Melee. A Fiend is a one trick pony, and the trick is Volcanic Strike. It will be used whenever it's up. Failing that, he will use his other melee attacks, seasoning with Fireball to taste. If his target tries to run, he'll give it a goodbye Blaze and Fire Blast. If attacking from range, he opens with Fireball, then charges in to use Fire Breath, unless he already started his attack in Breath range. Then he'll save the Fireball for after Volcanic Strike.


Boss: Vortex

A pretty darn big flying buff/debuff machine. Their buff/debuff is noticeably stronger than two Bolts. Nova skeleton.


-Electron Whip - Ranged, 15ft Targetted AoE, Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, KB, Hold

Okay, so it doesn't fire often, or deal all that much damage. But when the bolt of brilliant energy arcs between the Vortex and the explosion, bodies are sent flying (80% KB), briefly held (50%), and with newfound end worries. They've been thunderstruck. Nova Detonation animation.

-Shocking Grasp - Melee (5ft), Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe Hold, -Endurance

Similar to Bolt version, but this one lasts longer. Is actually near-perma out of the box, and with slotting can hold bosses with repeated applications. Nova Scatter/Emanation animation.

-Storm's Embrace - Ranged Targetted AoE Ally Heal, +end

Touch of the Storm meets Transfusion. The Vortex zaps an injured ally for a quick infusion of health. After a moment, said ally releases an electrical aura that restores HP and a bit of end to nearby friendlies. Nova Bolt animation.

-Hurricane - Auto 25ft PBAoE, Foe: -Range, -ToHit

Putting the Vortex in Vortex, this is Storm Summoning's most hated power, sans Knockback and Repel. Do you really want those on a pet?.

-Static Field - Passive, 25ft PBAoE, foe -regen -recovery

Debuffs enemies in the Vortex' general vicinity.

-Galvanizing Field - Passive, 25ft PBAoE, ally +regen, +recovery, +rech

Buffs allies in the Vortex' general vicinity.

-Resistance self +res(Energy, Smashing), -res(Negative), +Fly

Storm Elementals are resistant to energy and smashing, vulnerable to negative energy, and can fly.

-Unchaining: Blackout - 30s lockdown; 25ft PBAoE, Foe Hold, -regen, -recovery, Special vs. Robots

Not-Mini-at-all-EM Pulse.

AI: Prefer range. Similar to a Bolt. Hang around where it's told to, whip targets of opportunity, chain-hold nearest target, refuse to hold aggro unless Attack or Aggressive, heal elemental and teammate alike.


Level 32: Superior Elementals

Melding a Fiend creates two Mephits.

Melding a Vortex creates two Bolts.


Level 35: Third Verglas

Verglases spawn at -2. Icebergs spawn at -1. One Verglas may be summoned while one Iceberg is alive. Verglas and Iceberg may be melded into two Icebergs. Three Verglases may be melded into two Icebergs.

Three Verglases or two Icebergs may be Purified to create a Glacier. Purifying a Glacier causes your Fiend or Vortex to be dismissed. Purifying a Fiend or Vortex dismisses your Glacier. Verglases cannot be summoned while a Glacier is alive. Glacier inherits all of target Verglas's/Iceberg's buffs. Glacier may be Melded to create two Icebergs.


Boss: Glacier

A monstrosity of sharp ice and hard stone, meant to take a beating and keep hitting back.  Great resists. Halfway decent ST DPS. Dwarf skeleton.


-Gauntlet - Self +Taunt

All Glacier attacks have a Tankerlike Gauntlet area taunt effect.

-Frost Breath - Ranged(Cone), High DoT(Cold), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, +Taunt

Taken from Ice Blast, damage, range and recharge increased.

-Arctic Strike - Melee Moderate Damage(Cold/Smashing), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, +Taunt

Drops one heavy frozen fist on enemy. Decently quick recharge.

-Frigid Smite - Melee High Damage(Cold/Smashing), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, +Taunt

Drops two heavy frozen fists on enemy. Less quick recharge.

-Icebreaker - Close(Targeted AoE), Foe Knockdown, Disorient, -Recharge -Speed, +Taunt

Drives a foot into the ground, making ice explode from underneath the target. Frozen Fault, basically.

-Heat Drain - Auto PBAoE Foe -Recharge, -Damage, -Speed, +Taunt, Self +regen

Combination of Chilling Embrace and Rise to the Challenge. Stronger debuff than the Icebergs, buff should be carefully balanced around Glacier's massive HP and tanking role.

-Resistance self +res(All), +res(-rech), +prot(Mez, KB), +HP

Ice Elementals are resistant to all damage, most to Smashing, Lethal and Cold, and least to Fire. They also resist recharge slow, knockback and mezzing effects. They have more HP than a henchman their rank and level.

-Unchaining: Cryoclysm - 30s lockdown; 25 PBAoE, Foe Immob, Hold, -Recharge, -Speed

It's bigger. It's better. It holds briefly. Immob and crippling debuff seem to last forever.

AI: Prefer Melee. At range opens with Frost Breath, charges in to melee. Will use Icebreaker whenever it's up. +rech is actually detrimental to DPS in the long run, since he'll use Icebreaker more. Will aggro on anyone who attacks summoner or fellow Elementals.




F. A. Q.


What's the idea behind Elementals?

Thematically, it's a set that lets you give life to creatures made of the elements, without forcing you into a particular order.

Mechanically, it's "Damage, support, survivability. Pick any one and one half."


Can you really run around with nine pets out?

Yes. You will be noticeably weaker by doing so, though.


What's with the -50% damage?

Balancing factor. Fire Elementals constitute most of a Elementals Mastermind damage output, even if just Imps. They do not scale with levels via upgrades like other Henchmen, and are given to you basically at full power. That would make them overpowered at low levels, especially once you get your first Mephit. Assuming the powers are balanced at around +100% Damage (which isn't an unreasonable assumption), a unslotted Fire Elemental is at a third of its full power, rather than a half like most Henchmen. Fire Elementals don't break even on the damage buff until DO levels, when other Masterminds have their LTs to even it out some. The fact they benefit more from damage buffs I consider icing on the cake.


Why are the new pet levels so weird?

I've spaced them out, so a player isn't overwhelmed by a sudden influx of new possibilities. I feel I managed with the exceptions of levels 26 and 32. Another Verglas progression I considered was 18 - 24 - 30, but it'd mean you'd have three, not two boss-level summons dumped on you come 32.


What enhancements do the powers accept?

-Ice Bolt - Accuracy, Damage, EndRdx, RechRdx, Range, Slow; Ranged sets, Slow sets.

-Summon Fire Elemental - Accuracy, Damage (obviously), EndRdx (Mephits and Fiends need it); Pet sets.

-Fire Blast - Accuracy, Damage, EndRdx, RechRdx, Range; Ranged sets.

-Elemental Melding - EndRdx, RechRdx.

-Static Discharge - Accuracy, Damage, EndRdx, RechRdx, Range, EndMod; TAoE sets, EndMod sets.

-Summon Storm Elemental - Accuracy, Damage (suboptimal), EndRdx (don't really need it), EndMod, Hold, Heal, -ToHit, Sleep (very suboptimal), Stun (very suboptimal); Pet sets, EndMod sets, Hold sets, Heal sets, -ToHit sets.

-Summon Ice Elemental - Accuracy, Damage, EndRdx, Slow, Taunt, Stun, Immobilize (very suboptimal), Hold (very suboptimal); Pet sets, Slow sets, Taunt sets, Stun sets.

-Unchain Elemental - EndRdx, RechRdx.

-Elemental Purification - EndRdx, RechRdx.


Why would I pick Elementals over another Primary?

Versatility. You have the unique ability to change your role on a team on the fly, similarly to a Kheldian but in a different way.


Why would I pick any other Primary over Elementals?

Versatility. An Elementalist picks one thing to specialize in at a time, while other MM primaries come with a variety of skills that they can use at the same time.


Why don't the higher tier Fire/Ice elementals use Fire/Ice Melee attacks?

That was my initial idea. However, I've decided these attacks didn't rely on sheer physical strength enough. Fire Melee consists of attacks that are either sword-based, hold-your-flaming-hand-to-enemy-based, Fire Breath, or Cremate. Ice Melee was similiar, with only Frozen Fists being sufficiently brute strength reliant. With the exception of Volcanic Strike and Icebreaker, they likely wouldn't even need new graphical/audio effects, just a mix of old ones.


Elementals is a horribly limiting theme, isn't it?

Only if you let it. Then can be elementals. They could be various breeds of demons. They could be aliens, chosen for their bizarre biologies by a madman who's looking for more specimens for his collection on Earth. They could be ghosts of people who were burned/electrocuted/frozen to death, or manifestations of the Mastermind's emotions, or so many others.


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