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Arachnos Soldier backpack bug


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When creating a new Arachnos Soldier, your Arachnos costume should be set to Wolf, giving you the appearance of a regular Arachnos soldier. This includes customization such as choosing between two of the Arachnos helmets (or no helmet), a cape, and your color scheme, along with whether you'd like to use the raised Collar that Arbiters have.


To my knowledge, you're not supposed to be able to use the Crab spider backpack or the Bane spider set, as you're supposed to get access to those at level 24 when you choose your career path.


However, upon creating my Arachnos Soldier, I am immediately forced into either using the Crab backpack or the full Bane set. I try and select some sort of "None" function for my Back option, but it won't let me. It only lets me choose between Crab backpack, Custom Crab backpack (same thing, but moves it to your selected color scheme), or I can switch my entire outfit to the Bane set. The Bane set has it's own "collapsed spider leg" backpack-looking item, which is the only thing that gets rid of the Crab backpack.


However, I've seen other Arachnos Soldier players around that aren't stuck with either option, and look as Soldiers pre-24 ought to look.


I've posted to GMs in-game as well as to the in-game help discord channel, to no avail.


Does anyone know a fix for this?

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It only shows that way while you are in the initial character creator. Once you actually start the game, you will not have the backpack displayed. I thought this too until my toon was out Mercy Island with no backpack. 

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It only shows that way while you are in the initial character creator. Once you actually start the game, you will not have the backpack displayed.


That was not the case for me. I've been to the tailor numerous times to try and get the backpack off.


Someone else told me to try using the second costume slot. I tried that, but you can't access the Arachnos Wolf Armor on any slot other than your first (except for the helmet).


Still hoping to get a fix at some point but losing hope.

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