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Some time in the early morning of August 3rd on Excelsior, I was turning in a mission for Dr Trevor Seaborn, he is right beside the hospital in Steel Canyon. No dupe zones, it was the only Steel Canyon.


He offered to intro me to a new contact, I clicked yes, and the only choice was Mercedes Sheldon, but it only had her name and picture, no text. There was still a confirm choice at the bottom of the screen so I clicked it, and it took me to another blank screen with no text or button except the top right exit button. I exited out of the chat, checked my contacts, and Mercedes was now in my active contacts. I clicked on Trevor again and he offered me a new mission, no repetition of the previous text. The progress bar for Trevor stayed at the same level when I turned in the mission, it did not go down so I don't think I lost progress with him. I haven't visited Mercedes yet, but she is a choice for contacts, as I said.


If I remember correctly, Mercedes Sheldon, being a contact inside the Midnighter Club, is technically out of range for you while you're in the 10-14 range for Trevor Seaborn, Haley Phillips, or Hugo Redding (and, I think, one other) if you haven't completed Montague Castaneda's arc to get access to the Midnighter Club (or got the badge from Night Ward), so the may not be picking up the description for her. She's still a better choice than any of the Science contacts.

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