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Three things I would REALLY like to see that would make the job of a support MUCH easier.


First off, all debuffs applied by an enemy should have glowing icons, whether they're on you or on your ally. The color of the glow should depend on the debuff; a stat debuff glows one color, and a mez effect glows a different color. This would allow people with Mez cleansing abilities to react faster, whether with an ally cleanse or a self cleanse. In the case of text that says "Held" "Immobilized" etc... I feel there could be more done to make that more visible too. Namely; make it a different color compared to text that says things like "Opportunity" or "Alpha Entangled"


Second of all, buffs and debuffs should have a separate glow to signify that you were the one to apply them. This would be a different glow than the debuff ones; not just a different color but a different style too. I imagine the debuffs would have a sorta flamey glow, but this would just be, like, an orange outline similar to the ones some powers get in certain conditions. Perhaps they could also be listed at the fart left on the team window, before any others.


Finally, we should see buffs/debuffs on the target window. If you select an opponent, you should be able to see at a glance "Oh yeah, I put one of my debuffs on this target. I don't need to use that debuff again on it just yet". This would have the added benefit of letting you see the details of any self-applied buff that an enemy has. I know there's visuals for many of these debuffs, but with the amount of FX in the game, it can be very hard to tell.

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