
Friday Fashion Contest in Echo Plaza every Friday!
To see this weeks theme check the main page here: What! The Friday Fashion Contest is a Costume Contest held weekly in Echo Plaza 😄 The total prize pool can range from anywhere between 100 Million to over 1 Billion Influence!!! (Special events may go even higher!) When! It happens every Friday at 19:00
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Friday Fashion Contest in Echo Plaza every Friday!
To see this weeks theme check the main page here: What! The Friday Fashion Contest is a Costume Contest held weekly in Echo Plaza 😄 The total prize pool can range from anywhere between 100 Million to over 1 Billion Influence!!! (Special events may go even higher!) When! It happens every Friday at 19:00
Browse By Month
Tanker "Tuesday" on Victory
Tanker Tuesday is one of the longest running player-led events in City of Heroes. Come join in with your follow Tankers to enjoy in all Tanker things and run various Task Forces, missions, Giant Monster fights and other special events. Learn about different Tanker tactics and build suggestions while smashing evil doers and protecting the City. Meet up in Kings Row, on the wal
Return of the Reichsman, Thus Spoke the Reichsman, Cavern of Transcendence - Week 12
Return of the Reichsman (Dr. Kahn, Level 45-50) Thus Spoke the Reichsman (Barracuda, Level 45-50) Cavern of Transcendence (Karsis, Level 12-15)
Happening Today
Hamidon Raids - The Hive
Hamidon Raids run the The Hive every night. Early Bird raid starting forming at approximately 1430 PST | 1730 EST | 2230 GMT | 0530ish AU Lil Claw's raid immediately follows Friday and Sunday nights are Hamicides (plus whenever LC feels like it) Raid overview can be found on the forums under Servers > Torchbearer or here
Friday Fashion Contest in Echo Plaza every Friday!
To see this weeks theme check the main page here: What! The Friday Fashion Contest is a Costume Contest held weekly in Echo Plaza 😄 The total prize pool can range from anywhere between 100 Million to over 1 Billion Influence!!! (Special events may go even higher!) When! It happens every Friday at 19:00
Weekend Hami Raid in The Abyss
We normally start forming shortly after the afternoon MSR finishes and expect to start around this time. Level 45+, bring a damage dealer and red inspirations. Use the sub in Peregrine Island or Grandville to access The Abyss.
Victorious VEATs Villainous Vestments
Victorious VEATs Villainous Vestments, Presents! Munificently Magnificent Madness! Mad scientist themed costume contest! with a prize pool of 1 Billion Infamy! 1st Place 500 Million 2nd Place 300 Million 3rd Place 200 Million (Courtesy of the Chaos Knights) Sunday the 16th of March, Judging at 5 PM Eastern. All Levels Welcome, E
Terra Volta Respec #1 (Jane Hallaway, Level 24-33) Tree of Thorns Respec #1 (Sparcetriel, Level 24-33) Terra Volta Respec #2 (James Harlan, Level 34-43) Tree of Thorns Respec #2 (Trepsarciel, Level 34-43) Terra Volta Respec #3 (Richard Flagg, Level 44-50) Tree of Thorns Respec #3 (Ractespriel, Level 44-50)
New Cycle Begins: The Rule of Three, Dam Hero, Beast of the Mountain - Week 1
The Rule of Three (Positron, Level 8-15) Dam Hero (Positron, Level 11-16) Beast of the Mountain (Virgil Tarikoss, Level 15-20)
The Praetorian Offensive, Alpha Strike, Explorers and Exploiters - Week 2
The Praetorian Offensive (Tin Mage Mark II, Level 50) Alpha Strike (Apex, Level 50) Explorers and Exploiters (Dr. Quaterfield, Level 40-45)
Slot Machine's Random Challenge
Slot Machine's Random Challenge Up for a new challenge? Does the RNG really hate you? Maybe you're just looking for a new character to try? Ever want to create a new character and wish there was a tool that would randomly select a character for you? "Do you feel lucky, punk?" 3 d100 Rolls Roll #1 ________ Roll #2 ________ Roll #3 ________
Market Crash, Temple of the Waters, The Kheldian War - Week 10
Market Crash (Ada Wellington, Level 40-50) Temple of the Waters (Operative Renault, Level 25-30) The Kheldian War (Moonfire, Level 23-28)
Soul of the Woodsman, Chasing Fool's Gold, A Tangled Plot - Week 11
Soul of the Woodsman (Numina, Level 35-40) Chasing Fool's Gold (Dr. Aeon, Level 35-50) A Tangled Plot (Katie Hannon, Level 30-34)
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