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Posts posted by Tacheyon

  1. Here are a few pictures from Echo Plaza 2 zone.  Very Cool seeing War Witch, Black Scorpion and Dark Watcher along with other Dev's and GM's.


    But of course the best thing is how many of the community came out for this event.  So many great costumes and concepts.  And lots of jokes and puns.  All celebrating 20 years of this amazing game.


    And then the Monster Mash happened!  Giant Spiders, Robots, and even giant versions of everyone in the zone!  It was a blast!












    • Like 3
  2. I know I am a bit late but 


    My best Merc combo has been Merc/Nature.  Lots of heals (and Aborb), Cap on Resistance (Wild Growth + Serum), AOE Damage Boost, and some nice debuffs as well. 


    All your team is ranged so you lay down Spores on your spot for the top off heal and let them go to town as the capped resistance will keep them from taking too much damage.  You just have to learn how to use your cone heal but that isn't too hard.  I picked up Clarion to cover my Mezz hole in the defenses and went Muscular + Hybrid to help out on the damage.


    It's a tough little build and I haven't even gotten it fully IO'd out (due to Altitus).  It has a lot more to do than FF (IMO), but not as busy as /EA.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Sovera said:

    After all the hype about the sybil clothes I'm surprised at the lack of reaction about them.


    After learning that it was a Top only option (no chance to play Mix and Match) I kind of passed on them.  They look good, but I was hoping for a little more on control on what I could equip or not.

    I bet it has something to do with clipping with other costume parts.

    • Like 2
  4. First off from the bottom of my frozen heart, THANK YOU for all your hard work over the last 4.5 years.  When I heard that Homecoming had been open for a month in 2019 I almost cried.  (Hell logging into the game the first time and hearing the login music did that).  I played so much because I had 7 long years to make up for as well as making sure if the servers went down the next day I could savour as much as I could.  I always tried to donate when I had the money (and when it didn't instantly cap) to keep the good times rolling.


    Now with 2024 opening with this news was just proof it's going to be a very good year!  


    That being said.....Fire Imps and Shooting a rifle?  Did Firearms Assault just become a reality for Doms?  I am also hoping for a new Control set for Controllers as well.  But I'll take what I can get!


    Again THANK YOU!! 

    • Like 2
    • Pizza (Pepperoni) 1
  5. I have played my characters without really any Enhancements till 30 at least.  The only caveat is Stamina.  Most of the other bonuses are not material enough till then.  By that time I do have some money for a few key basic IO's.  Accuracy, End Mod and some Damage.  Usually by 35-40 do I feel that I this character has legs (either in concept or build) and I'll take them to 50 and at least Basic IO them out which isn't too expensive.


    But yes, sell those level 50 basic IO recipes and you can make a decent amount of cash.  Some of the set's you'll have to check the AH to see if it's worth it to sell there or vendor trash it.


    Save all your yellow or orange salvage to AH it.  White's I only sell for badges.


    I do understand that the 2xp no Inf is frustrating on your first character, but you will build your bank sooner than you think.

  6. For Necro - Yes 100% do not skip (or at least get 2 out of the 3) - Since they spawn Wraiths that add to your damage (more pets more Damage)

    For Mercs & Ninjas - If you can fit them they do add some extra damage through +Dmg for Mercs and +Crit Chance for Ninjas

    Demons - I usually take the Cone attack as that does AOE -Res.  But it isn't necessary.

    Beasts - I normally take Ravens and Hawk as they do have some good effects, plus you need them to add Frenzy to buff your pets.

    I haven't tried Bots much so I can't comment.

    Thugs - Pass - Damage is too low and it doesn't really add anything (unless its ascetics). 

  7. I hope you meant to say Earth Control.  Yes Earth Control is the only Control power you should play.  It has a slow patch, it has a knock up patch, it has a pulsing Hold patch.  It can Sleep, Stun, Hold and do pretty much anything except Fear and Confuse.  And really who needs those 😁

    Also you have the best Pet that will Tank everything for you....who cares if he looks like Poo!


    So yes Earth Control is the only Controller you should be playing.

  8. 8 hours ago, Onlyasandwich said:

    Thank you for the EA perspective!


    In your experience, can EA get away with skipping extra slotting in Health/Stamina for end support? I know MM's can be a bit end hungry, especially when using their attacks.


    My build has taken all of the primary attacks and given them good attention. Dropping Discharge would free me up to grab another epic attack or something else interesting. I'll keep Amp up if only for when I do team. Shame to miss such a strong buff!



    New Build:

    electric necro strike.mbd 43.64 kB · 0 downloads



    No, still slot Stamina and Health for End.  Because Energizing Circuit again is a chain so depending on when you get hit, it can be a huge gain or just enough to cover the cost of the power (it's base end cost is 16.5).  That means it's too unpredictable for you as you have a fair number of toggles.  But it is good for your pets who only have attacks and to top off teammates (if you target them first).


    Also looking at your build, I would drop Whirlwind and pick up Defib, then you can Veng and Rez someone.  Not only is it a great AOE rez, but like Howling Twilight (from Dark) you can use it as a end drain attack.  Everything else looks pretty good.

    • Like 2
  9. 8 hours ago, Onlyasandwich said:

    Hello MM town!


    Edit: Tweaked slots a bit to optimize pet accuracy.


    I haven't played either of these sets before, and precious few MM's. Just my demons/dark thus far, which I love.


    With the changes, Necro is looking great these days, and I'm taking a crack at a fresh build. However, I'm a bit unsure of some of the finer points in optimal slotting here, especially as it relates to pets. Now that Soul extraction isn't just a mule for the Pet IOs, there's a bit more to consider on that front.


    A few questions stand out, though perhaps you see other issues in the build below:

    • Is it worth slotting Lich much for damage? It seems like he is primary for control effects. Certainly I've paid some attention here, but is running short on ED caps for damage a mistake for the Lich?
    • Do you find the soulbound buildup proc worthwhile in Zombies, or other pets for that matter?
    • Has anyone parsed out optimal proc slotting for Grave Knights? I'm pretty happy with my current slotting, but there are a ton of other approaches I can see.
    • Procs in Soul extraction. I prioritized Dam/Rech, but squeezed the purple Hold proc in there as well. I see this in several other builds - is this a significant contributor, or just a "nice if you have room" sort of thing?
    • Personal End contribution in Energizing Circuit. If I'm spamming this, how much can I expect it to support my own end? I understand it can bounce back to me if I'm diligent about generating static.
    • Discharge - is it worth the animation time if you aren't trying to sap as a primary strat? I'm using it as a useful set mule right now, and the cooldown is short enough that between it and fences I should get mobs floored fairly shortly, but it isn't going to drain from the alpha. Do you bother with this power?
    • Empowering Circuit and pet accuracy. Some of my pets are a bit low on acc, and my proc focused build doesn't really have global acc, though I am running kismet+tactics. I don't think Kismet helps my pets though. However, EC is a strong tohit buff. Do you think it's viable to rely on its uptime for max hit chance? I'm hoping to get some pretty regular bounces back to me for personal hit chance as well.
    • Buffing Heal enhancement in Dark Empowerment - worthwhile, or just hit it with the base slot?
    • Amp Up - is it much use in solo play? If so, who do you target - Grave Knights to add some KU soft control to the mix, or perhaps Lich to empower his controls and debuffs?


    The build as it stands focuses on recharge and optimal damage/proc slotting for both attacks and pets. I'm also a big fan of slow resist, and am near cap here. I'm hoping that between pet distraction, heals/absorbs, moderate resists, and even the KD proc in fences, I have enough tools to make it through alive. What are your thoughts?


    Build: (note Zombies are toggled off so Soulbound doesn't impact global totals)



    electric necro.mbd 43.46 kB · 0 downloads


    I do love my /EA MM's.  They are tough and can constantly attack thanks to UNLIMITED POWE...err Endurance.


    Don't really worry about Discharge or Shock with Necro you actually do want to take some of your personal attacks to spawn wraiths.  So if (IF) you have room at the end do ahead, although I haven't had much luck with draining anything over a LT yet.


    Once you use Faraday Cage and shoot a few heals then your bounces should go beyond you and your pet count.  But remember each bounce lessens the bonuses each target gets.  So if the buff goes through all your pets first then you, you only get a small bonus.


    Also you can skip Amp Up unless you are teaming with a friend.  For some reason this power just doesn't proc on Pets.  Or at least that I can see.  Maybe someone else has proven it works.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, BjorJlen said:

       Yes, please come one and all, to the greatest gathering of Alien's since Area 31! Just don't be surprised if you see a flying saucer fly in and start beaming folks away... lol 😁


    I'm more concerned that the Devs seeing all these Aliens might Nuke the zone from orbit.


    ....It's the only way to be sure.

    • Haha 2
  11. In my 157+ characters I have quite a few Controllers and Doms.  Most of them are Earth Control as I just love that power.  But a handful are Fire Control.  But when I picked up a few of them again this weekend I noticed that when I throw down Bonfire, even with a Sudden Acceleration KB/KD in it.  That first pulse blows all the mobs halfway to the moon.  Which caused some friction in the groups.  I thought it was because someone dropped Ice Slick and I placed my Bonfire on it, which added to the KD mag to become a KB.


    But after some testing that wasn't it.  Every time I place one down (unless I Fire Caged them) things when flying.  I don't remember that happening if I had a KB to KD in it.  Of course once it was down and Mobs ran into it they would flop around.


    Anyway to make a long story short (too late), was anything changed on the power to account for this?  Or am I mis-remembering and it was always like this.  Thank you.

  12. Thugs/Traps was my first 50 on Live.  It's just a complete team and the debuffs you bring are great for long fights.


    Mercs/Nature and Demons/EA are tied for my tankiest team.  Between the resistances and heals, both stay up far longer than they should.  Ninja/Storm is just pure Chaos fun.


    But if I only had to play one out of the 50 or so I have.


    Thug/Traps all the way.

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