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  1. Thank you devs for your hard work on fixing this.
  2. @Silent Method2 Sometimes a person just has to brain dump. Never change. I think we are on the same page that emotes should be fixed, so, lets focus on the crey pistol problem. I tried to clarify my stance above where I mention the developers probably don't have the time nor desire to fix animations. I don't think a team should practice trying to animation cancel, and at the same time I understand without an overhaul animation canceling can occur without crey pistol. Hence, if you somehow perfect jumping to cancel your animations then you have created a "bunnyhop" of sorts. We all know the game isn't perfect, powers like strangler not doing its full animation is disappointing but there is only so much that can be done. However, one thing that can be done to eliminate mass animation canceling, is to remove emotes and the crey pistol from being used in pvp. Will it stop all animation canceling until the game is gone? Of course not, but it would be a huge step forward in removing a broken mechanic from pvp.
  3. @Macskull I hear you but to try to make a point based off "what could have been" is a hypothetical exercise that would lead in so many directions it's not worth exploring. I am only reporting an issue that the game has today and would like to see fixed. So for the reminder of our conversion, lets take the word intended and replace it with current state. Once again, I understand that the player still has to wait for the power to finish but seconds matter in COH pvp, which is one of the reasons it is so much fun. Therefore, the problem is still the same. If a player can use a bind/macro to abuse how animations' function, it is an exploit that should and can be fixed. As for non-emote and non-crey pistol animation canceling, I am only conceding on this because I understand that animations are never going to be rewritten under our current development team. I am only reporting the issue at hand with the idea of adding a conditional statement that would prevent emotes and crey pistol from working within pvp. I also agree with you that it isn't some magical button. Yes you can lose and still do it. It doesn't excuse the fact there is an issue. @barrier I am not "Gunrock." The fact that you resorted to name calling and claiming superiority because you won a match for once, doesn't negate the fact that animation canceling through binds/macros is a problem.
  4. @Sovera Thank you for your comment. @Macskull First, you are correct the power still has to finish its timer before continuing on to the next cast. However, what I am reporting is that animation canceling allows the player to continue moving even though by the game's design the player should be stuck. By exploiting that, a player that should have faced a potential death can now leave the fight. Now you are also correct that the a jump or movement in the right direction could also potentially cause this to occur. The main difference from what I am bring attention to is that the player is purposely deciding to have this cause and effect. Because for emotes and the crey pistol accolade power, the player is abusing the macro/bind system to force their character to animation cancel. Just because any player can exploit the game does not make it right. No one should be forced to abuse the system just to keep up. @Silent Method2 Thank you for your wall of text. While I understand there are differences between using the crey pistol and emotes, I am not bring attention to this for the pvp community and how one is less exploitative than the other. Rather, I am asking that the developers completely eliminate the ability to do either while in a pvp zone or arena. The "bunnyhop" comparison is not valid. If a player can animation cancel by practicing a jump or other movement power at the exact moment needed, I would not be reporting a bug and exploit but rather commend that player on their skill. However, emotes and the crey pistol accolade power are intentionally abusing animation canceling at any moment the player decides. The two just cannot be compared. @Poned Hello
  5. Animation canceling is creating an unbalanced risk vs reward environment in this game's otherwise incredibly fun player vs player (PVP). For purposes of this bug report, animation canceling is when a player purposely performs an action while casting an attack to prevent the attack's animation from stopping the player's movement. The two most exploitative methods to perform animation canceling in PVP is by using emotes such as "em shocked" or "em liedown" and by using the crey pistol accolade power. When either of these methods are used, a player's attack, no matter how long the animation should take, will no longer prevent that player for moving around the arena or zone. For example, "Bitter Freeze Ray," from the ice range power pool, should prevent a player from moving for almost two seconds but delivers a powerful attack; however, due to animation canceling that player can fire, cancel, move, and continue firing. The intended design of being a powerful attack but having to wait for an animation is negated by this exploit. Another example, "Absorb Pain," from the empathy support power pool, should have the award of providing a player saving heal but at the risk of pausing the caster and preventing a self heal. However, due to animation canceling that powerful heal can be activated and the empath player can leave the fight without any movement constraint. This exploit can be used with any power and is taking away from the enjoyment pvp provides with the intended risk vs reward design. No one expects that the volunteer developers should redesign how animations function. Instead, simply adding conditionals to prevent the use of emotes and the crey pistol from being used in pvp could solve this issue.
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