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  1. Looking to get people opinions on the best Tanker power sets for 4 star ITF. Now i know even the best build will require a balanced team. What im looking for are those builds that can survive solo and take the big hits and give that aggro holding focus that all tankers must do. Currently running a Bio/DM tanker. What are your thoughts?
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  3. good Morning all!!!! Looking for a good SS/Elec tanker build. Anyone have able to link me 1 or 2 builds that i could look over??? Thank you!!!
  4. When it comes to other games that I have bought and paid for, i get pissed when I disconnect from the server. if the server goes down for any reason beside maintenance day (that has to be announced) But COH no no, If you need to restart the server every 30 minutes to do disk space. GO For it. Why you ask? Because this is the game that got me hooked on MMOs, I poured so many hours into this game when it was still live all those years ago. So what ever you need to do to keep it up and running, go for it. I like many other TRUE fans of this game will patiently sit at our computers and wait for the word that servers are live again! YOU ALL ROCK!
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