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Posts posted by Invigilium

  1. Personally, it doesn't bother me in the slightest if a base in the contest was at some point worked on by a judge. If they worked hard on it, then they deserve that recognition. I really liked many bases for their ingenuity, and creativity. Some of them inspired me to do better on my own. I voted for Vaultluxe because I thought it was masterful, regardless of who built it.


    I appreciate that the judges narrowed down the choices, because there is no way I could look at 70+ bases and spend the amount of time I took on each CC contestant. At the end of the day, community choice is chosen by us and not the judges and I think its completely fair if a judges base gets picked.

    • Like 3
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  2. Character name: Ankh
    Global: @ankh
    Base or SG Name: The Divine
    Shard: Excelsior
    Passcode: Divine-1512
    Item Count: 9268
    Category for Contest: Multipurpose over 7k items
    Other associated contributors; up to 4 more people (don't forget to credit the Builder if different from the Owner!): None
    Additional Info / Must-See Areas of Note:  In the spoiler below is the story of this base.



    It is dedicated to all the heroes in Paragon City who have given up their lives to save others. When the body of Statesman was found, a ceremony for his interment was being conducted in celebration of his life. Several thousand patrons attended the funeral, including notable heroes of the Freedom Phalanx. It was just after the eulogy of Positron, that a temporal distortion ripped the cathedral into a timeless realm. Luckily no one was injured, as time stood still here. No one could die, and even the small pond next to the cathedral never ran out of water despite pouring into the abyss. Another side effect of the time distortion was that no one could leave. It was difficult to tell time since the sun never set, they estimated 7 years had already passed by trapped in this realm. 


    This is when the hero known as Ianna proposed using her ability to create portals. She had already created a few within the cathedral itself, but she could not control the time period, nor could she hold it open long enough for all of the citizens to use it. She realized that with enough energy perhaps she could. She begged with the heroes present to lend her their power to do this, knowing full well what would happen to her. They agreed not knowing of the consequence.


    As the heroes began transferring power to Ianna, she began glowing brighter and brighter until she became a single point of pure energy. Ianna was able to create permanent one way portals to the correct time period 7 years ago. Everyone rejoiced, profusely thanking the heroes for creating an escape. As the last citizens went home to their loved ones, the heroes began to follow. Just as Positron was about to leave through the portal he realized that Ianna could not share the same fate. Someone had to stay behind to hold the door open, she had become a part of the cathedral itself. He vowed that Ianna would not be left alone.


    Once on the other side Positron began making a stable portal able to reach the same point in time that the Cathedral was trapped. It was a success. After having explained the situation, the victims of this occurrence returned, and built a monument befitting of Ianna's sacrifice. To this day both heroes, and citizens return to give thanks


    If you would like to see the process for building click the link below.





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  3. This started as a base remake for the wife, and it's totally gotten the better of me. I've been editing for 2 months straight without so much as leveling an alt. Is this a cure for altism, or another form of addiction? The answer is yes, and also yes.


    • Your character name (the character with the red star): Ankh
    • Your global handle: @ankh
    • Your Supergroup name: The Divine
    • The shard you’re on: Excelsior
    • The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: Divine-1512
    • The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base: @ankh


    You're going to want to use /visscale 5, and have in-game music on. I also can't account for the performance using lower-end graphics cards when viewing. I've got a gtx 1080 and get around 25-30fps in some areas. I also have a macro available: /macroimage InherentBase_Furnace "Teleport: The Divine Base" "enterbasefrompasscode Divine-1512". This base is still very much a WiP.


    This cathedral is known as The Cathedral of Heroic Sacrifice. Below is a description of how it attained this name. (note: in game spoilers below read at your discretion)



    It is dedicated to all the heroes in Paragon City who have given up their lives to save others. When the body of Statesman was found, a ceremony for his interment was being conducted in celebration of his life. Several thousand patrons attended the funeral, including notable heroes of the Freedom Phalanx. It was just after the eulogy of Positron, that a temporal distortion ripped the cathedral into a timeless realm. Luckily no one was injured, as time stood still here. No one could die, and even the small pond next to the cathedral never ran out of water despite pouring into the abyss. Another side effect of the time distortion was that no one could leave. It was difficult to tell time since the sun never set, they estimated 7 years had already passed by trapped in this realm. 


    This is when the hero known as Ianna proposed using her ability to create portals. She had already created a few within the cathedral itself, but she could not control the time period, nor could she hold it open long enough for all of the citizens to use it. She realized that with enough energy perhaps she could. She begged with the heroes present to lend her their power to do this, knowing full well what would happen to her. They agreed not knowing of the consequence.


    As the heroes began transferring power to Ianna, she began glowing brighter and brighter until she became a single point of pure energy. Ianna was able to create permanent one way portals to the correct time period 7 years ago. Everyone rejoiced, profusely thanking the heroes for creating an escape. As the last citizens went home to their loved ones, the heroes began to follow. Just as Positron was about to leave through the portal he realized that Ianna could not share the same fate. Someone had to stay behind to hold the door open, she had become a part of the cathedral itself. He vowed that Ianna would not be left alone.


    Once on the other side Positron began making a stable portal able to reach the same point in time that the Cathedral was trapped. It was a success. After having explained the situation, the victims of this occurrence returned, and built a monument befitting of Ianna's sacrifice. To this day both heroes, and citizens return to give thanks









    • Like 4
  4. I've been needing to redo my base, and this is perfect timing 😄


    Global: @ankh

    Supergroup: The Divine

    Base Passcode: Divine-1512

    Base Macro: /macroimage InherentBase_Furnace "Teleport: The Divine Base" "enterbasefrompasscode Divine-1512"

    Status: Finished!


    Please have your in game music on, and use the /visscale 5 command after entering. There are still items to be worked on, but I think it's close enough to submit.

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