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Everything posted by Invigilium

  1. Personally, it doesn't bother me in the slightest if a base in the contest was at some point worked on by a judge. If they worked hard on it, then they deserve that recognition. I really liked many bases for their ingenuity, and creativity. Some of them inspired me to do better on my own. I voted for Vaultluxe because I thought it was masterful, regardless of who built it. I appreciate that the judges narrowed down the choices, because there is no way I could look at 70+ bases and spend the amount of time I took on each CC contestant. At the end of the day, community choice is chosen by us and not the judges and I think its completely fair if a judges base gets picked.
  2. Character name: AnkhGlobal: @ankhBase or SG Name: The DivineShard: ExcelsiorPasscode: Divine-1512Item Count: 9268Category for Contest: Multipurpose over 7k itemsOther associated contributors; up to 4 more people (don't forget to credit the Builder if different from the Owner!): NoneAdditional Info / Must-See Areas of Note: In the spoiler below is the story of this base. If you would like to see the process for building click the link below. https://imgur.com/a/poO8fKx
  3. This started as a base remake for the wife, and it's totally gotten the better of me. I've been editing for 2 months straight without so much as leveling an alt. Is this a cure for altism, or another form of addiction? The answer is yes, and also yes. Your character name (the character with the red star): Ankh Your global handle: @ankh Your Supergroup name: The Divine The shard you’re on: Excelsior The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: Divine-1512 The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base: @ankh You're going to want to use /visscale 5, and have in-game music on. I also can't account for the performance using lower-end graphics cards when viewing. I've got a gtx 1080 and get around 25-30fps in some areas. I also have a macro available: /macroimage InherentBase_Furnace "Teleport: The Divine Base" "enterbasefrompasscode Divine-1512". This base is still very much a WiP. This cathedral is known as The Cathedral of Heroic Sacrifice. Below is a description of how it attained this name. (note: in game spoilers below read at your discretion)
  4. Thank you for hosting! There are some really great bases out there, and the creativity amongst these editors was impressive. 😀
  5. I've been needing to redo my base, and this is perfect timing 😄 Global: @ankh Supergroup: The Divine Base Passcode: Divine-1512 Base Macro: /macroimage InherentBase_Furnace "Teleport: The Divine Base" "enterbasefrompasscode Divine-1512" Status: Finished! Please have your in game music on, and use the /visscale 5 command after entering. There are still items to be worked on, but I think it's close enough to submit.
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