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Everything posted by Juniper2048

  1. Honestly I was sad they reverted Frostworks changes and didn't do something else. I like the +Max HP (the resist to toxic is ok). I wished it either healed a portion of the HP increase (even 10 percent would be nice) or give absorb on top of it. It is something that would be nice to use in a pinch on a character. Right now if you try to use it on a character almost dead, they only gain a percent of HP proportional to the increase. Lets say you are at 10 HP of 1000 Max HP. You gain 1000 Max HP from frostworks. You would now be at 20 HP. Going up 1000 Max HP should maybe give you a small heal (but not that small), or absorb. It has 1 Min recharge timer which of course goes down with enhancements. But you are not giving it to everyone on the team. It would be nice if you could have it for the tank ahead of time, and then in a pinch for someone else.
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