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  1. Sylvia Rexton, Malaise, Mother Mayhem, Deathsurge ... and likely many others have decided to start growing minerals from their bodies. It might be a side effect of the new Crey body wash.
  2. All that and you've only slept for 5 hours! Time for some well-earned rest!
  3. Please let us have the choice to revoke the anniversary mini pets, like we can with any pets bought from START/P2W. Unlike the pets we specifically buy, or the Hamidon bud recipe, we can't choose whether to have them or not once they drop randomly from anniversary crates. I only wanted to collect the badges, and it feels really intrusive to have mini pets irrelevant to those characters now showing up under their Powers info tab. (On that note: I can't understand why Vanity Pets are listed there at all, but that's another discussion.) As cute as they might be, we should only have them if we decide to get them. Every minute customization is a conscious choice, right down to the powers info tab of each character—even if it's just flavour. Allowing the ability to revoke them at Luna like any other purchasable pet would be more consistent with this.
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