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  1. I played with @medic he was so kind and had so much time for me when I was brand new! RIP good sir, it was a pleasure!
  2. 45% defence is soft cap, with doubt AD you don’t really need more.
  3. 1. Interesting, i pulled the HO and the def debuff didn't change, i missed that change. 2. I like it, i just prefer other options. 3. with soft cap def and double stacked AD i just don't find i get hit enough to feel i need any more def debuff res.
  4. There's a few things i'd change. You can slot Membrane exposure HOs in Active defenses, it'll improve your def debuff res plus recharge. double stacked AD is great. I'd put the plus Rech proc in something that recharges faster I don't run Maneuvers for defense, it's so end heavy for what it is. Touch of fear with a bunch of procs seems off to me, i skip that power unless somethings changed since i last ran that set. I also don't take Grant cover. You have slotted 6 LOTG 7.5s but 5 is max. I can build my version if you so wish. my mains FM/SD Scrap
  5. EffyOnHeat


    @effy reporting to duty, great to see some familiar names. EffyOnHeat - FM/SD Scrapper EffyOnMalibu - Widow EffyOnKet - SS/Elec Brute to name a few, I was usually speed running TFs or farming for the Purps
  6. No way, I forgot my FM/SD scrap made the list, what a throw back. I think it’s time I levelled another one
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