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Posts posted by PresidentDSG

  1. I don't think it's necessarily a bug, but rather just a quirk of how the game counts objectives as completed. Collecting the ally isn't really objective- Removing the enemies around him is. So if there's no enemies to remove, congratulations! Objective's already done. You're amazing.


    The only real thing you can do about it is just relent and give them enemies for the player to fight. You can play with animations to make it look like the escort/ally is fighting rather than captured- Animations like the various gun shooting ones are good for this.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. There are numerous enemies in AE who, when you apply custom colors to them, suddenly have chunks of their model no longer have any texture at all. I use Architect a lot, and one of my main groups is a faction that is almost entirely comprised of color customized robots. This bug rears its head constantly, and it has constantly harmed the roleplay and intended story experience when my group fights something like these...




    Instead of the properly colored monsters I was intending for them to fight.


    Note that all of these enemies appear correctly if no custom color is applied- This issue rears its head when and only when you try to apply any color customization to the models. These examples were used with color matching all costume parts to a specific color scheme, but the issue pops up any time any part of the model is color customized at all. Fully custom AE enemies do not experience this issue, it only shows up when color customizing "official" enemies.


    The issue did not exist when I was first making custom factions, although ever since it has first showed up for me it has never gone away. It has persisted through multiple reinstalls and file verifications of the game, and seems to have only gotten worse over time. Sometimes it feels like more enemies have this affliction than not, and they always show up to people playing the content exactly the same way as they do to me, on these preview screens and in testing mode. I've also heard numerous other AE authors have dealt with this themselves.


    While purely aesthetic, this bug alone damn near kills one of my favorite features of the game, and I would dearly love for it to even be addressed as an issue, if not fixed swiftly.

  3. It's not an exploit when game enemies do it, my guy. That's just called mechanics. All of these are working as intended, and most of these are designed to make enemies something unique to fight or give them some slight edge against player characters, who are generally far more powerful than they are and have the insurmountable advantage of being piloted by a human.


    If you put in these changes you would actually actively be making the game worse and even easier than it already is.

    • Like 6
  4. image.png.f7639293136f15623c50ea12135b70fe.png






    I don't know if this is because of the new issue or what, but it seems that, at the very least, Device's Gun Drone is benefitting from sets slotted into it. Mine is six-slotted with Perfect Zinger, and every one of these odd bonuses correlates with something that set grants. I don't usually monitor pet damage so I don't know if it would have the chance to proc Perfect Zinger's mental damage, but I wouldn't be surprised at this point.

    If relevant, this character is a beam rifle/devices blaster.

  5. Oh hey it's this thread again.


    It has been over a year, the Hero Corps logo is still not available to player characters. Given all the other logos that do exist, this just flat out doesn't make sense- Arachnos, Freedom Corps, the friggin Council, and even Void Sanction (Hero Corp's dark edgy underbelly) has a logo, and Void Sanction's whole thing is about being completely undetected and untracable so it doesn't even make sense they have a logo in the first place does it even show up anywhere other than character creator.


    In any case, the logo. It would be really nice- In particular for my Hero Corps supergroup, but for any number of characters that want to represent that faction. We know the piece exists in-game, the field analysts have it. If it be the logo added to chest details or that whole weird logo/harness thing, having it would be nice.

    • Like 4
  6. Hi, so I've got questions of my  own as for the objectives- I'd hate to put a lot of work into this only for it to be invalid because I didn't happen to tick all the boxes correctly.


    1) As asked earlier- Do the destroyable objects all have to be in one mission, or can they be scattered throughout the arc? I'd like to ask further if the objects have to be required objectives or if they can be optional?

    2) As asked earlier- Do you mean just adding in an ally objective, an ally and a rescue objective, or what?

    3) What counts as "mission text" for the pizza line? Can it be in a clue, mission description, sendoff/acceptance text?

    • Thanks 1
  7. The Hero Corps Information Exchange


    Since its inception, the Hero Corps has been dedicated to providing heroes the resources they need to create a better tomorrow. ™


    Part of this ongoing task is connecting the various great heroes of this fair city with the tasks that need doing, and that's exactly what we intend to do in our next Information Exchange! 



    What: The Information Exchange is our monthly event where we do lore-friendly AE missions, made by the community, with the community! The intention of this event is to be a friendly, open roleplay experience! If you wish to interact with your fellow heroes in some mission-based RP, now's the time! If you want to see what all your fellow community members have been able to create with the Architect system, now's the time! Or, perhaps if you have a mission you'd like the whole world to see and get a guaranteed audience... Now is the time!


    When: August 1st at 6 PM EST/5 PM Central/3 PM PST! 


    Where: Kallisti Wharf by the Hero Corps field analyst! You can access Kallisti Wharf through any train station if you're a hero, or through the Smuggler's Submarine if you're a villain. If you're at least level 40, you can also use the LFG system to queue up solo for Market Crash, which will drop you very close to where the event takes place. (You don't have to actually do Market Crash if you use this method.)


    What We Need From You: If you have an AE mission or arc you would like promoted, please directly message me either in game or through discord with the name of the mission, name of the contact, primary mission enemy group, and the location it takes place in. Otherwise, all we ask is that you feel free to show up and have a good time.


    Contact Information:

    Hero Corps Discord: https://discord.gg/5PuHX7T

    Aviel global handle: @PresidentDSG

    Aviel discord: PresidentDSG#0916

  8. Quote


    HenchCo: Your First Choice For Hired Help


    To: Helen Baker <[email protected]>

    From: Doctor Thaddeus Brayne

    Subject: What the Hell?




    Okay, someone screwed the pooch because something is going on and I had no idea!


    David hadn't sent in his monthly bill, as usual, and so I went on to repossess. Sort it out, you know, the usual stuff.


    Imagine my surprise when a bunch of heroes showed up to fight the Warriors too, and imagine my further surprise when, as I pushed into the compound, everyone seems to be talking about tremendous feats of martial skill the Warriors, of all people, have apparently been performing! And as we went in, we even found proof to back it up... Citadel and Luminary, in critical condition! I wasn't able to get a scan of those high-value targets, but my eyes were good enough to see what had been done. Our net's got too many big holes in it if something on this scale slipped us by.


    Arachnos' Barracuda was also on the scene, and god only knows what she was after. It doesn't really matter, though, because we're going to get to the bottom of all of this nonsense. Apparently it's not even just the Warriors;  Hellions have been up to something to. Hellions. We don't even sell to the Hellions, they're that inconsequential, and they're part of some big power play? This does not add up.


    Starting immediately, Information Acquisition is going to shift focus to finding out what's going on, and how we can benefit. I'll be taking point on field operations relating to this. I'm trusting you to hold the ship steady at the homefront. If I need your talents in the field, I'll be sure to send the order.


    For now, I'll leave the heroes to chase the scraps and save the day and whatnot. I'll lean on the bigger fish we've got our contracts with.



    It had been hours ago that he sent that message, and ever since Doctor Brayne had spent his time devouring whatever information he could get his hands on. It was here he had learned about Prometheus and the man's announcement- It had quite frankly been an embarrassment that such wide news had passed him by completely. He had learned about the Family assaults on a variety of places throughout the city... Something to keep in mind for later. He had dealt with the Family int he past, of course, and if he needed to he could probably contact them again.


    No, the thing that interested him the most was a massive prison breakout, organized by the supposedly helpless Upstart. Here was where the most interesting developments were going; Truces formed and broken, constant raids and assaults... 


    There was potential.


    Doctor Brayne did not need to hide as he moved through the city, despite his imposing mechanical frame and that signature brain on full display. After all, he was simply a businessman. And none of the charges the PPD levied against him or his company ever tended to stick. A few tricks pulled from a brief partnership with Crey. The situation in the Zig had upset the PPD throughout the city, and despite his legal innocence his approach to PPD headquarters in King's Row were met with no small amount of resentment and distrust.


    He reveled in the nervousness of the cops, no doubt worried if he had arrived to make a bad situation worse. Lack of a face meant no one could see the cocky, stupid grin he felt as he made his way forward, as he approached the front desk where a nervous, overwhelmed clerk tried his level best to keep things running smoothly. Brayne approached the man's desk and rested his weight against it and patiently waited to be acknowledged.


    "I need to speak with your chief. It seems that the PPD could use some reinforcements! Luckily, HenchCo is rolling out some crisis rates that are somewhat reasonable! Just for our boys in blue!" 


    It would hurt to give such a huge discount to a big customer, but it would be worth it to get an in.


  9. Better options for allies- Invincible allies that still fight (as much as I acknowledge this will be a boon to farmers, probably) for those times when you want a critical story NPC to actually fight but would rather they not die without also making them very overpowered would be a huge boon. The option to  have an ally simply attach to you the moment you enter the mission would also be a good one, rather than having to try to work around that as you currently have to do.


    Working on character dialogue- The way dialogue pops up in missions now is oddly dissonant with how it works in the rest of the game. Characters will shout their barks long before players see them, meaning that if you don't have a tab specifically for NPC dialogue- And being in an SG that runs a lot of AE content, I promise you that many people do not- they will never see it. Some characters will shout their dialogue upon being spawned into the map, nevermind if you're anywhere even remotely close. Bosses that spawn after being triggered by another objective will, similarly, say all of their dialogue only after they've been aggroed. Making all this consistent with how it works in the rest of the game (generally, waiting until a player is actually in visual range to say anything) would be fantastic

    Better battles- As the above, making it so that battles wait to start until players are in range to see it. They're almost not worth putting in for their intended function as it stands- You'll almost always find a small group of injured enemies when you get to that detail, rather than a raging battle between two enemy groups.


    More enemies- As has been implied, there's many characters and enemy groups that are simply not options to add in. I'm thinking things like the higher leveled Sky Raiders and Redcaps, and probably a few actually unique groups I can't think of off the top of my head but will probably fuss they're not in the AE in a few weeks. Individual characters, too. I've recently had to build my own adult Penelope Yin, for example, because while Penny is in the game it is only the young version in the LGTF.


    That's all for now, I'll chew on it more. Tried to keep it in the mindset of semi-realistic

    • Like 2
  10. I recently made a character who uses spectrum as her body, and I've hit a snag...


    Spectrum is not an option under all tights options. It is conspicuously absent from the female model's jackets, shirts, and perhaps a few more places I'm forgetting off hand- Whereas it is not in the male's versions of those things. I think it would be really nice if spectrum was an option everywhere it could be, with perhaps the obvious exception of the tights with skin showing.


    That's all.

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