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Everything posted by Mashugana

  1. Same - game crashes to a stop and a spinny circle whenever I even view anything in the base builder. 100% repeatable bug.
  2. I have a concept for a steampunk time traveler - she enforces the timeline as in TVA from MCU or The Temps Commission in Umbrella Academy. she's a Defender with Time/Pistols. Can someone help me with a steampunk female look? I'm struggling with the piece selection and the color palette.
  3. Does anyone have a Spine/Fire build that is good for this patch? I just got back and my build is 2+years old - not sure if there is a new shiny Thank you!
  4. Is there a guide or post for the Church of Spin? I'm really interested in trying it.
  5. Thank you for the detail - I need to unpack this and apply it - fantastic.
  6. Thank you. I've always been a little frustrated by the logic behind the default 'Tab' select enemy. It seems to want to target the enemy that is absolutely impossible for me to attack first and then cycle through everyone until the closest is last. I will use the 'target nearest' macro - ty so much.
  7. There is so much goodness in this post I do not know where to start. Thank you!
  8. Thank you! I have been doing /afk farming in the larger Comic Con Cave Edition. It takes a good 5-10 min to clear each choke point - I go to the first tunnel intersection and /afk, come back, go to the next intersection, /afk, repeat. I'll have to try the asteroid and see if its better - thank you!
  9. How do you know when it is best to 'proc out' a power vs. going with and IO set or even just Damage and Acc IO's? I am especially interested in leveling more than end game. Where do procs make sense? Thank you.
  10. How do you run a Brigg farm this fast? I can /afk Briggs comicon cave edition +4/+8 with no issues so i think my build is solid. But it takes me 30-40 min to do a full clear. How do you farm? maybe I am missing something simple.
  11. Thanks everyone - I did not even think about Jaunt and Combat Teleport. Amazingly helpful.
  12. Thank you!!
  13. Does it make sense to add 'follow target' to melee attacks so you charge up to your target? I am used to ranged heroes and I am struggling a bit to keep my scrapper engaged when in the chaos of fighting. I've found some success with using Follow to get up to them like a charge ability. Do you guys put Follow in your attacks? Thank for any help or suggestions for someone new to close range melee 🙂
  14. Are AE Fire Farms designed for you to sit in one place and have all the mobs come to you? I have run several of @Briggs fire farms and it seems like the mobs path to certain choke points. Is that true? How do you know where to park? Is it just for AFK faming? Thank you.
  15. Thank you all - this was amazing feedback. I am psyched to level some Defenders and Controllers now - not sure about the pro/con of their Villain versions yet. Will do some research. Thanks all. Go. Hunt. Kill Skulls.
  16. If I slot Fly with Blessing of the Zephyr KB protection does it only protect me from KB when Fly is active? Or do I get KB protection all the time?
  17. Are support characters like controllers and defenders impactful on teams? It seems like in HC everyone can IO into a monster. So I wonder if buffs and debuffs and lockdowns are useful. Maybe support characters are more useful in non-50 content? So if I wanted to be a pure support maybe i do not take support toons to extreme level 50 content. I dunno. Anyhoo, I love being support and buffing the team. I just do not want to feel useless 🙂 Thanks for any advice.
  18. Thanks dude! I have this bookmarked for every alt that hits 7 or my name is not lippy pantaloons...
  19. Thank you! When I play in Mids what are the softcap goal numbers? is there a list somewhere?
  20. You can solo AVs? Cool! At lv 50 how do I find the AVs or TFs to solo? Through Oroboros? Is there a list of where the AVs are? I had no idea - great fun - thank you!
  21. I actually prefer ranged - i did not know I could make blasters tough enough to meet my criteria
  22. Thank you all - so many options 🙂
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