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GM Fiddleback

Retired Game Master
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Status Updates posted by GM Fiddleback

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Monk.


    Everybody was Kung-fu fighting....



  2. Now, I know no one reads these, but I'm going to keep posting these until someone tells me not to. (Although, to be fair, I'll probably ignore them and post anyway.)


    Here's the latest episode of GM Word of the Week which you will grow to love and appreciate I am sure.



    1. GM Fiddleback

      GM Fiddleback

      See, as soon as you mention no one reads a thing, people read it.


      Reverse psychology; it works.

  3. Fun event yesterday on Justin....  that @positivegamerguy had a good stream on it that he saved to YouTube:




  4. New episode of GM Word of the Week up for those of you who are paying attention and interested. All about venom.




  5. Some of you may have noticed I make podcasts.


    This is todays episode:



  6. Who are the tabletop RPGers in this here forum?  Hands up!

    1. TemporalVileTerror


      Very long time to wait for a reply, but . . . yo!

  7. I see you out there peeking on the activity feed like a couple of photoshopped cats.



  8. Hi gang.


    I wouldn't read these.  


    Nothing good could come of it.



  9. Woo! Status updates are tricky to find. They have to be enabled under your Edit Profile Button.


    Durn it all.

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